Six home remedies to relieve children’s cough

It’s here. With the return to school also comes one of the worst nightmares of parents, and therefore the long sleepless nights.

Although it is very distressing, coughing is a simple defense mechanism that helps deep clean the airways. Normally it is because the little one has an infection or cold which causes excess mucus inside the lungs.

To alleviate and recover normality at home it is not always necessary to resort to drugs since there are numerous natural tricks that help to smooth it. These are some of theThe best home remedies for

Offer lots of fluids

Offer lots of fluids

Try to get the little one to drink a lot of water or natural juices, since hydration will help him to eliminate secretions more easily.

Perform nasal washes with physiological saline

Before going to sleep, try to clean his nose thoroughly to help him breathe better. The cough will subside.

Put an extra pillow

If the child is over a year old, you can place one more pillow so that his chest is higher. Being more inclined will help you spend a better night.

Put cut onion in his room

This is one of the remedies that grandmothers already used and that has lasted over time. It is about cutting an onion, pouring it into a bowl, adding a little sugar and water. The gases it expels are supposed to help open the airways and therefore relieve coughing.

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a tablespoon of honey

It is one of the best remedies out there to soothe the throat and relieve cough. If your child is not very keen on taking it directly, you can add it to the glass of milk that you give him before going to sleep or to the yogurt.

Keep the environment humid

In winter and with the heating on it is very easy for the home environment to be dry, which can make coughing worse. To avoid this, place a container with water or a humidifier on the radiators.

Yeah the cough is accompanied by vomiting or fever then you should go to the pediatrician.