Simple tricks to keep your feet warm

The typical temperature drop It can be quite a suffering for the coldest. Hands and feet are the areas of the body that suffer the most due to the degrees of less, especially the feet, which for some becomes almost impossible to get warm.

Besides, having cold feet most of the day can lead to ailments like the fateful chilblains, which occur when blood circulation is poor due to cold.

Besides, there are diseases that have cold feet as a symptom. Circulation problems, Raynaud’s disease, lupus, hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia or atherosclerosis have coldness in the extremities among their most characteristic symptoms.

Wool and natural fibers

Keeping your feet warm is very important to avoid the ailments already mentioned. One of the best remedies is to take Shearling slippers or wool or natural fiber socks.

The material with which it is made will be key to maintaining an ideal temperature. Wool is the star material in winter because it increases the temperature and prevents humidity. Cotton is not the most appropriate because it absorbs it. On the other hand, if you are a person who suffers from hyperdrosis (excessive sweating) you should change your clothes several times throughout the day.

Rain and snow boots

Wellington boots, being made of plastic, are inherently very cold. Is essential combine them with good socks and that are not too tight. Also, keeping your feet hydrated and dry is another of the tricks to prevent your extremities from freezing.

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warm water baths

Putting your feet directly on heat sources is not recommended. The ideal are warm water baths (hydrotherapy) and massage the feet to activate the blood supply.

No to caffeine and dairy

Despite the common belief that a hot coffee counteracts the cold, the truth is that caffeine has the opposite effect: it compresses the blood vessels and limits the body’s ability to warm up. Dairy also increases the feeling of cold. In this case, it is best take infusions or a broth.

spices and vegetables

The daily diet is essential when it comes to not feeling cold throughout the day. Vegetables and spices are the best allies for a healthy and balanced diet that provides nutrients against the cool temperatures of winter. In the case of vegetables, it is best not to eat them cold. As for the spices, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, cayenne pepper or curryto multiply the heart rate.

Physical exercise

Daily activity and physical exercise are also essential to activate circulation and, therefore, prevent the cold from chasing us throughout the day. It is advisable to do daily and even moderate exercise.