Signs that indicate that the person you love has another parallel relationship

He is faithful who professes a religion because it is based on loyalty and daily acceptance of principles that cannot be verified, or the person who confirms the consequence of his thought with certain incorruptible ideals. But so is someone who, out of convenience, conviction or cowardice, maintains a constant over time. A relationship can be based on fidelity and be faint-hearted, boring or decadent. It can bring together all the less desirable characteristics and at the same time, remain faithful.

So, How important is fidelity? The fidelity It is not about signing a paper that “legitimate” the feeling of two people before the State, much less unite before a God who allows mutual affection. Nor is it found in having sexual relations only with that special person, nor in finding the place of rest that two share religiously every night, but in something slightly deeper.

It is about keeping alive everything that unites both wills and its particularities vary from couple to couple, depending on their relationship and the cultural, social and moral horizons of each one. Despite the overvaluation of the concept, without fidelity no romance could occur and there would be no possibility of it being between two lovers. Know the early signs that can tell you if the person you love and have as a partner is in another relationship similar to yours.

1. Physical contact disappears

Not only does the sexual level decrease in intensity and the encounters are more distant than before, there is also a degree of coldness in the greetings that were previously effusive, the goodbyes that lasted for hours or the spontaneous displays of affection. Their hands do not hold you with the same security and eye contact becomes elusive, as does their body posture, which looks forced in the face of a kiss, hug or some unexpected approach on your part.

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2. Lack of complicity

A sign that is difficult to interpret because it can be confused with an endless number of situations, but it is a clear indication that something is not right. When the plans together, the laughter between both, the feeling of “being connected” and sharing secrets, serious talks, joys or sadness disappear, then the complicity is deteriorated and it is time to talk. It is characterized by the typical uncertainty of sensing that something is wrong without knowing exactly what.

3. Privacy is overkill

No matter how honest a relationship may be, respecting privacy and personal space is essential to maintaining a healthy bond; However, a sudden change in the behavior of the person you love with respect to the activities they do independently (from talking about what they did the day before, discreetly looking at their cell phone or avoiding mentioning things they used to before) can indicate that there is another relationship involved.

4. The stories are not coherent

If you know your partner well enough, you will know that their behavior is guided by certain behavioral patterns that tend to repeat themselves. You know what activities they do with their friends, family and other situations when they are not together. If in any conversation you discover a contradiction, an indiscretion of their acquaintances or some element in their versions that surprises you and you do not find much logic in their words, perhaps it is a lie.

5. There is a distancing

The time you share together experiences a drastic drop for no apparent reason. If your partner mentions fatigue, work obligations or other commitments, your first reaction should be in the same direction as a vote of confidence, but it is your obligation to seek answers from them if you think there is some other hidden reason. Usually the key is in the quality of the time: if the outings were reduced but they maintain the same intensity and chemistry, you have nothing to worry about.

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6. Change your habits surprisingly

It is always desirable that both parties in a relationship strive to push their limits, explore unknown horizons and find new passions, hobbies and activities. If you already know your partner well enough, you know what their greatest interests are and how they materialize them, but if you suddenly discover a completely different taste that borders on idolatry without any influence involved, it may be a reflection of another relationship.

According to , sometimes the problem of infidelity can start with yourself and your bad partner choices. Take the time to get to know any prospect before taking the next step and pay attention to the signs.