Sandra Dominguez. Chili


Phone: +56985964508

instagram: san.dominguez.dom



The Accompaniment’s decision

I invite you to raise awareness of the most important thing you have: your body, the vehicle that allows you to stay on this earthly journey.

Many times life is lived so quickly that we forget to listen to ourselves, that is, not pay attention to our emotions. And we only stop when we get sick, when our body complains through physical symptoms, and we dedicate ourselves to looking for the quickest solutions such as medication to calm the pain, or silence the symptoms, and after a while they come back. to arise more and more discomforts on a physical, emotional and mental level. This is so, because we do not change the chip that we have integrated since we were born, which translates into living a life in a hurry to comply with a society, to fit into the prototypes of people that we were told we had to be.

For this reason, I invite you to take a break in your life, and give yourself a moment for yourself, for love of you, because you deserve it, since the universe did not bring you here by chance, but you have arrived here because it is the opportune moment to learn to really know yourself, to know yourself in depth.

On occasions I have had the opportunity to ask people if they know each other and most of them say YES, that they know exactly how many moles they have, their eye color, skin tone, what food they fancy, their favorite color; However, in my personal opinion, this knowledge is very superficial, since knowing yourself is knowing what your life purpose is, what your emotions are, where your beliefs come from that have limited your projects, what is the direction of your life , what is it that motivates you to get up every day, knowing that in you lies an infinite power that has the capacity to create the world that you choose to live, the world in fullness, in peace and harmony.

See also  Lymph nodes – Integral Health Coaching.

I assure you that the day you make the decision to carry out an accompaniment towards self-knowledge, development and personal healing, your life will never return to where you started and along with this it will be the best investment you have ever made in your life.