Rodolfo from MasterChef revealed what his greatest wish is before dying

In the last few hours, the royalty specialist answered some questions, through his account. instagram, and revealed what his greatest wish is that he wants to fulfill before he dies.

“I answer only the most creative questions!” Rodolfo wrote early Sunday morning. Given the proposal, he received thousands of doubts that his followers had about him.


Rodolfo Vera Calderón via Instagram.

Many of the questions were related to his private life, but most of them were about food reality issues. Among the different questions, a follower inquired about his personal wishes.

“What’s on your bucket list before leaving this plane?” a follower asked curiously. Rudolph He did not hesitate and answered sincerely: “Travel all of Russia from west to east aboard the Trans-Siberian with its fabulous and luxurious trains.”

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Rodolfo from MasterChef revealed the wish he wants to fulfill before he dies.

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