Remedies against pride

Liliana Isabel


Personally, I think that, instead of inviting people to distance themselves from arrogant people, I should give advice on how to help those people heal that aspect, help them identify that character in them, set limits, but healthy limits, and in the process help them correct. It doesn’t seem to me that we should distance them, we shouldn’t isolate them.

Astrid Fabiola Rueda P


I am a very arrogant, jealous woman, and always with negative thoughts in my mind.

Mark A


Despite being an article that does not deal with the topic in depth, I have found in it some revealing truths that gave me a deep impact. For me this article is more than useful. Thank you



I am looking at this article because it says “Remedies against pride”, which is what I am looking for, but after reading everything I see that it has not provided any remedy so that those who are immersed in pride can free themselves from that nightmare. He can share with us remedies to get out of pride and not to judge or avoid the proud. What I need is how to get out, how to tear that reality from inside the person.



Hello, I have exactly this problem with my friend, he is overflowing with arrogance, on the other hand he has several other symptoms, for example, he does not listen to anyone, that is, he does not accept advice and is always on the defensive, when I want to explain something to him he He takes it as if I am arguing with him and saying at the same time that he has no reason whatsoever, when all I want is to add experiences to continue learning in life, I explain it to him over and over again but he never understands, he is left alone and I’m afraid he’ll get depressed. I would like to know if these people are capable of harming themselves by not having friends. Thank you

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Maite Nicuesa


People can change only if they wish to do so by their own decision. It is not in your power to change their behavior.



I appreciate your desire to help that man.
I recommend you start by making him feel loved and appreciated unconditionally.
And if you want, read the first chapter of this book
Seven habits of highly effective people
Stephen Covey
There he explains that each person has something very valuable and that they should not be forced to change from the outside.
Yes, telling you this is very little, but I recommend praying for God to enlighten you.