Recommendations to avoid the appearance of chilblains on the feet

Due to their physiological characteristics, certain groups of people such as the elderly, children and women are more vulnerable to perniosis, popularly known as chilblains. These are painful purplish-red lesions located on the surface of the skin that usually appear in areas such as the hands, feet, nose and ears, after long exposure to cold or humidity.

In the case of chilblains of the feetcan appear after a abnormal response of our body to low temperaturescombined with a poor regulation of blood flow of the skin. After exposing the feet to the cold, if they are subjected to an increase in temperature, a sudden vasodilation that causes a painful inflammation: the chilblain.

Due to their physiological characteristics, older people are more vulnerable to chilblains

The specialists of the Dermatology service of the Sagrat Cor University Hospital point out that there are also various factors that increase the risk of chilblains. The main ones are:

  • He under weight: People who weigh less than what would correspond to them are more at risk of suffering from them.
  • The Bad circulation: people who have poor circulation are more sensitive to changes in temperature, so it is more likely that they may have chilblains.
  • The autoimmune diseases that affect connective tissue: for example, suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, vasculitis or cryoglobulinemia.
  • The Raynaud’s disease, a disorder of the blood vessels that narrow when the person feels cold or stress and affects the fingers and toes. People with this pathology are more likely to suffer from chilblains and systemic diseases.
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The symptoms of chilblains They are pain, itching, burning and swelling in the affected area, together with a well-defined purplish redness of the skin of the feet. In the most severe cases, they may appear blisters and/or ulcers.

In the presence of any of these symptoms from the Hospital Universitari Sagrat Cor recommend visit a specialist to carry out a complete review in order to obtain a diagnosis and the most appropriate treatment.

To avoid reaching this point, from the recommend preventing the appearance of chilblains:

  • using waterproof footwear in the rain or snow
  • employing insulating fabrics in socks, such as cotton or wool
  • doing physical exercise regularly
  • avoiding moisture in the area
  • applying hydrating creams that, in some cases and under medical prescription, may contain active vasodilators

In the most serious cases, or associated with internal diseases, it may be recommended drugs for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes.

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