Psicometricas, the online platform for applying psychological tests for personnel selection

The high costs of psychological tests, the hundreds of hours invested in evaluations, preparation of reports and the tons of papers make personnel selection an inefficient process.

is an online platform that solves all these problems by including the application, analysis and interpretation of results of the most important psychological tests. Thus achieving that the personnel selection specialist obtains objective and quantifiable information that allows him to choose the most appropriate candidate for each job position.

With Psychometrics You will get unlimited access to the following psychological tests:

  1. Cleaver: Make a forecast of how the individual reacts in typical situations and under pressure.
  2. IPV: Specialized test in the orientation of jobs related to the commercial area
  3. Kostick: Evaluates work aspects of personality, management styles, and work performance.
  4. Zavic: Explore the values ​​and interests of employees in situations and activities in the workplace
  5. Terman: Evaluates the IQ of people who have sufficient schooling
  6. 16PF: One of the best-known tests in the study and assessment of personality traits based on various factors.
  7. LIFO: Evaluates work style, leadership and teamwork capacity
  8. Barsit: Through the factors of verbal intelligence and numerical reasoning, this test allows us to obtain an index of the learning abilities of the candidates and/or employees.

How does it work Psychometrics?

The process is very easy. The psychologist or specialist subscribes to Psychometrics and then you must choose between the packages that best suit your needs and budget.The packages monthly allow applying an amount unlimited of tests and the automatic generation of PDF reports, which makes it an ideal option for large companies that are in a constant evaluation process. Individual packages allow you to evaluate between 1 and 50 candidates according to the needs of each company. *Prices are in Mexican pesos but the system will automatically convert to your local currency.

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Psychometrics knows perfectly well that personnel selection is a complex and very serious process. That is why they also have online support to help with any questions or queries from the personnel selection specialist.

and take the advantages of the evaluation platform for personnel selection.

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We thank Psicometricas, our exclusive sponsor of the week.