Prayer to Archangel Gabriel to guide you on the right path

You can entrust yourself to this archangel to clear up any doubts you may have. that doesn’t let you make a decision to continue moving forward on your pathto clear your mind and receive guidance on the direction you should take in your life.


Prayer to illuminate and be guided on your path

Oh powerful Saint Gabriel Archangel, messenger of the Lord, of clear and loose words to announce the gospel. For your clarity of communication, having been assigned by God among all his hosts to be the supreme communicator of the Good News of the Kingdom of God, for being intelligent and of Divine Light, Today I turn to you in fervent prayer.

I declare myself incapable of governing myself by my own means, I am nobody without divine guidanceand this is why, Saint Gabriel, I ask you to illuminate all my paths, to give me protection by communicating with me through dreams, premonitions or clarity of mind. that humans recognize intuitively.


Always guide my steps, light my paths so as not to deviate from the correct. Please do not leave me adrift where I can be trapped by black thoughts and wrong decisions. Also according to the scriptures, Saint Gabriel the Archangel, you were the one who interpreted the dreams of Elijah the prophet and the one who gave the Koran to Muhammad.

You always bring the Good News of the Kingdom to mortals, because Now I beg you to give them to me too. Help me to interpret and understand divine designs, do not abandon me in this desert plagued by snakes commanded by Satan.

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Rather deliver me oh Gabriel, from all evil and danger, giving me clarity of mind and helping me make wise decisions in my life to always succeed. You have been privileged by Our Heavenly Father to entrust you with your trumpet to announce all the good news to the Earth. about the second coming of Christ the Redeemer.

I beg you to always keep me lucid to know the paths that will lead to the kingdom of heaven. In this way, only if you protect me and always keep me well informed, will I be able to walk the correct path to reach the supreme presence of the Almighty. Oh Gabriel, Archangel of wisdom, I trust in your announcements. Amen.