Plants that you can grow in water easily

A botanical paradise within the home can become more than just a place that ornamentally gives life to the home. The fact of caring for a plant in itself allows us to encounter ourselves and, in that sense, spaces for reflection that lead us to self-healing. Perhaps this is why gardening has become an activity widely practiced by people and more and more is known about its mental benefits. If you are looking for the ideal plants to form your own self-healing sanctuary, these options could help you greatly since these are plants that do not require seeds to germinate and that can take root with a small stem on them.

Not all plants are the same, each of them has its own qualities. Some are designed to keep the air inside the home fresh, while others are responsible for aromatizing the environment. However, making them grow is the real challenge for all plant lovers, but there are species that can take root with a simple stem above water and have become gardeners’ favorites due to their easy way of reproduction.

What plants can be rooted in water?

Monstera (Adam’s Rib)

The Monstera Deliciosa is one of the favorites of home plant keepers, as it grows its large green leaves with patterns of holes in them and gives life to any place where it is placed. Furthermore, its reproduction is very simple, it only requires a stem of this live plant and then place it in water. In a few days you will begin to see roots in the lower part of the plant, when you consider that the roots have the strength to be transplanted, then it is time to give it a home in the ground.

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It may seem surprising because it is known that roses are difficult plants to care for and this is true to a certain extent, since they require large amounts of water to see them bloom, but their reproduction is not very difficult. You can place a small arm cut from a rose bush and place it in water from the bottom of where it was cut. The roots will begin to emerge in a few days and when they are strong, they should be soiled.


This plant is very loved by gardeners who are experts in interior decoration, as it withstands lack of light and humidity quite well and is also very strong and does not require specialized care. Like the previous plants, pothos can also root in water easily.


Lavender is one of those that gives us the most exquisite aromas of nature, in addition to its beautiful color in its flowers that transports us to states of relaxation. Its reproduction is very simple, since it can be done by cuttings. To do this you must take a healthy and strong branch of lavender and cut its stem diagonally. Then moisten the cutting and transplant directly into another pot with well-fertilized soil.


Rosemary is another aromatic plant that cannot be missing in the home. It also has interesting properties that help us care for our body’s health. Its reproduction is not very difficult, like lavender, it can be reproduced by cutting or cutting, that is, from a stem taken from a healthy rosemary plant. No seeds are required and this is why it is ideal if you want to grow your home garden in a simple way. To do this, you must cut a healthy branch free of pests, then let it moisten in a container with water. You must be careful to change the water if it becomes too cloudy since the rosemary will remain there until it takes root. Then it is time to take it to its new home in a pot or directly in the ground.

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