Phrases to heal – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Much of our stress comes from mentally living outside of our affairs. When I think: “You need to find a job, I want you to be happy, you should be punctual, you need to take better care of yourself», I am meddling in your affairs. Even when I worry about earthquakes, floods, war or the date of my death, I am not interfering in my affairs, but in those of nature, life, God’s universe. If I am mentally not minding my own business, the effect is separation from my own being.

Mentally taking care of your business prevents me from being present in mine. I separate from myself and then I wonder why my life doesn’t work out.

To think that I know what is best for others is to be out of my business. Even in the name of love, it’s pure arrogance and the result is tension, anxiety and the fear. Do I know what is right for me? That is my only business.

The next time you feel tension or discomfort, ask yourself whose business you are mentally dealing with. That question can bring you back to yourself. You may find out that you have never really been around. and that you’ve spent your whole life mentally living in other people’s business.

And if you practice for a while, you might find that you don’t really have any issues. and that your life works perfectly by itself.

A thought is harmless unless we believe it.. They are not our thoughts, but our attachment to them, which causes our suffering. To hold on to a thought means to believe that it is true. A belief is a thought that we have been attached to, often for years.

See also  Fever – Integral Health Coaching.

Most people believe that they “are” what their thoughts say they are. Thoughts just appear. They come from the past, like clouds moving across an empty sky. They are passing through, they have not come to stay. They are not harmful until we cling to them as if they were true.

Thoughts are like the breeze or the leaves on the trees or the falling raindrops. They appear the same way, and go away on their own, unless you get attached to them.

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