Oatmeal, green apple and almond smoothie to control cholesterol

Oats are one of the most nutritious cereals on the planet. Its consumption provides vitamin E, B6 and B5 and other minerals such as iron, selenium and copper.

And the properties of oats combined with almonds benefit people with diabetes and high cholesterol, because it promotes the digestion of starch by stabilizing sugar levels, especially after eating food.

On the other hand, the green apple, unlike the red ones, protects the intestinal mucosa, reducing intestinal problems and even reducing the chances of suffering from colon or stomach cancer.

The almonds, On the other hand, they are rich in pectin, which is a soluble fiber. It also activates the metabolism and this will help you lose weight.

An easy recipe to make


– 1 cup of oats

– 1 green apple cut into cubes

1 teaspoon honey

1 tablespoon ground flax seeds


– Put all the ingredients in the blender and blend for two minutes maximum, until the liquid is quite creamy.

– Take preferably in the morning and before going to work.

– Let us remember to consider that this smoothie will generate a great feeling of satiety.

Properties of oats

– This nutritious cereal contains slow absorption carbohydrates, that is, it keeps you satisfied throughout the day.

– It is recommended for people with constipation due to its high soluble fiber content, which facilitates intestinal transit.

– Oats have an infinite number of photochemical substances. They have a high relationship with the prevention of cancer development.

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– Lastly, this cereal helps immune cells locate diseases and eliminate the causing bacteria.