Nymphomania: what it is and symptoms

The concept of nymphomania refers to female sexual addiction. For people who suffer from this condition, it is not easy to determine the line that separates gratifying sexual desire from that which produces suffering.

Unlike what we often think, an addiction, even if it is to sex, is a psychological problem that can strongly alter our life and our relationship with ourselves. For this reason, it is important to be able to calm anxiety and control the feelings. impulses generated by the desire for sex.

In this Psychology-Online article we tell you what nymphomania consists of and its symptoms so that you can understand how this situation is experienced and how it can affect a person’s life.

Characteristics of nymphomania

How do you know if a person is a nymphomaniac? To know what nymphomania consists of and its symptoms, we will begin by talking about one of the characteristics and consequences of this sexual behavior:

  • The person does not experience pleasure based on their experiences but it is not easy to specify when a diagnosis of nymphomania occurs.
  • Difficulty controlling your impulses: It is your impulses that control your will. That is to say, it is as if the person had a reductionist experience of life, to the point that sexual satisfaction has displaced other important vital needs to the background.
  • Affects your life in a negative way: Sex becomes an experience that borders on pathological when it negatively affects other spheres of the person’s life, since their thoughts revolve around this topic for most of the time. Furthermore, frequently, the person experiences a feeling of guilt for this compulsive behavior, cannot control their impulses but later regrets their actions at many times.
  • personal dependency: This reflects a personal dependence that negatively conditions the life of the person who does not feel free to consciously decide regarding this area. Sex becomes a daily vital axis, the first thought and the last of the day.

Nymphomania cannot be interpreted as an increase in desire but as a diagnosis that limits the physical and emotional well-being of the person since the woman experiences permanent dissatisfaction. Furthermore, frequently, the situation worsens because the person does not identify the symptoms of their problem in the first stage. In this way, by delaying the diagnosis, the symptoms worsen and the treatment becomes more complex.

How nymphomania affects

The effects of this dependency They are visible in personal and professional life since these two planes are altered by this circumstance. For example, people who suffer from this addiction have difficulty concentrating on work goals. Likewise, sometimes nymphomania is also accompanied by periods of .

Another characteristic of this addiction is that, even though the nymphomaniac does not experience enjoyment because of this compulsive behavior, he/she continues to repeat these behaviors. The inability to consciously correct these habits is a symptom of an addiction that needs professional support to begin the recovery process.

Do you want to know if you are addicted to sex? Find out if you have symptoms with this test:

Treatment for nymphomania

How to cure nymphomania? Sex addiction can be overcome through adequate treatment, which in many cases combines individual therapy with the group therapy. Through group therapy, the nymphomaniac can learn about other cases of people who live a similar situation and express themselves and talk about themselves without fear of what they will say.

Often, people who suffer from sex addiction use lies to cover up some of their attitudes. For this reason, it is therapeutic to find an environment in which everything expressed remains within the framework of confidentiality, understanding and respect. The aid group carries out the work of Psychological Support to maintain involvement in meeting the objective.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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