Nutritional intervention with Souvenaid slows down Alzheimer’s

An article by Dr. Sagrario Manzano,
neurologist at the Infanta Leonor Hospital in Madrid
and project coordinator with CEAFA

He diagnosis in early stages of this Alzheimer’s disease is necessary to be able to establish pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments such as hygienic-dietary ones that delay the onset of dementia and improve quality of life of patients and relatives.

The Alzheimer disease It is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder currently suffered by some 800,000 people in Spain, according to the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN). Neuropathological features generally begin 15 to 20 years before clear cognitive symptoms. In this early stage of the disease, patients often show obvious short term memory deficits. In addition, it is estimated that the 80% of Alzheimer’s cases that are still mild are undiagnosed.

The doctors point out that the early diagnosis of the disease Alzheimer’s in the mild cognitive impairment stage is key to improving cognitive function and influencing progression. Establishing an early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease in its early stages represents a window of opportunity for interventions that improve brain health or cognitive functioning and being able to manage the modifiable risk factors involved in the progression of the disease.

In this line, nutritionthe clinical nutrition division of the Danone group, has presented the three-year results of the clinical trial LipiDiDiet (which addresses Alzheimer’s disease in the early stage of the disease, also known as mild cognitive impairment – MCI), published in the journal ‘Alzheimer’s & Dementia’ and prepared by a research consortium made up of world leaders in Neurology in which more than 300 patients have been included.

“Allies in Alzheimer’s” has different resources on its website, including a series of cognitive exercises.

This clinical trial has evaluated the effects of nutritional intervention with Souvenaid on the cognitive state and other symptoms related to this pathology. The results show that this nutritional intervention slowed cognitive and memory decline, maintained functional capacity and a reduction in the degree of brain atrophy was observed in patients, thus playing a crucial role in neurodegeneration. In addition, the results also reveal that the benefits of this intervention increased with its long-term use.

Detection in early phases is necessary to be able to establish pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments such as hygienic-dietary ones, which delay the onset of dementia and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. He Early diagnosis also allows us to adapt the environment, reduce stress and thus avoid the appearance of affective and behavioral problems.

In this context, it has been shown that improved phospholipid metabolism helps preserve neuronal and cognitive functions. These can be modified by certain lifestyle changes, such as smoking cessation, promoting physical activity, a healthy diet, and foods for medical use (AUME).

The importance of caring for the caregiver

The caregivers They are an essential figure in the daily life of patients with cognitive impairment. Are people with a high impact due to disease burden and, therefore, having information resources greatly facilitates the management and coping with the situation, even more so in times of pandemic.

Thus, nutrition and the Spanish Confederation of Alzheimer’s (CEAFA) have signed a collaboration agreement to promote Alzheimer’s training for relatives and/or caregivers. Under the title Allies in Alzheimer’sthis training cycle, which will be taught by national experts of recognized prestige, aims to serve as support and facilitate better management of the comprehensive care of these patients.

The training cycle began at the beginning of this month of May with a presentation on the adaptations in the care of these patients due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the challenges that caregivers have had to face and the tools available to ensure the best care.

The impact of the pandemic on Alzheimer’s patients

The current pandemic scenario in which we live has had a direct impact on Alzheimer’s patients and their caregivers. In this sense, specialists have seen that most patients have worsened faster than usualincreasing in the same way the suffering and burden of caregivers.

The origin of this worse evolution is found, fundamentally, in the loss of activities that patients performed outside their home environment. Caregivers, for their part, have suffered especially due to behavioral problems (aggression, altered thinking, etc.), which have worsened due to longer stays at home and cognitive deterioration.

During this period, it has been shown lack of advice or treatment in people with dementia who suffer a sudden worsening, either cognitive or behavioral. This has a direct impact on their caregivers, who are often frail elderly themselves, and can be overwhelmed or abandoned by the situation.

In order to reinforce the care of people with Alzheimer’s in its initial phases from home, has different resources on its website, including a series of cognitive exercises. The objectives of cognitive stimulation are to preserve cognitive abilities for as long as possible, slow down the course of the disease, improve performance of activities of daily living, and increase the autonomy of the person with Alzheimer’s.

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