Nursing working conditions in a geriatric center –

an article of Martina Alejandra Velazquez Quirartenurse and geriatric center supervisor

The psychosocial and occupational risk factors in the nursing activity in a geriatric center they are very important, given the role that the nurse exercises in the care of the elderly. We must bear in mind the physical, psychological and other risks related to working conditions, such as: breaks, organization with respect to the working day.
The risk factors for work in nursing homes are diverse and, specifically, are limited to:
· Physical: physical exhaustion as a professional.
· Psychological: emotional exhaustion, or caregiver syndrome.
There are centers where the number of nurses is insufficient in relation to the demand and where the nurse performs functions other than clinical support for the patient, for which reason care is inadequate.
One of the functions of the nurse, among others, is improve the quality of life of the patient through specific practices such as:

  • Help in the hygiene of the resident
  • Help in feeding
  • Assist in movement and ambulation
  • medication administration
  • Rehabilitation according to the indications received

He emotional exhaustion and exhaustion Produced by working hours on excessive occasions, they are a reflection of insensitive and apathetic actions towards the elderly, contemptuous and sometimes inhumane treatment in daily treatment becomes common, unfortunately.
The lack of job promotionthe low salary not compensated with the effort and commitment of the staff, frequently generates feelings of impotence in the nurses at work, and they value us negatively.
In geriatric centers it is common to see that the functions of nursing are carried out by personnel who are not trained, why?…
The studies carried out, the labor and social situation of the country force geriatric centers to hire this type of personnel due to their low cost as labor, which generates work stress due to the hierarchy. As a nurse, it is hard for me to have to delegate functions to people who are unaware of how to manage an elderly person, assuming that they should know for the reason of working in said center.
Nursing functions that they perform unqualified personnel result in the bad reputation of some geriatric centers. This is due to the little importance given to a certified nurse, and a derogatory treatment is generated for a nurse in a geriatric center compared to a nurse who works in the hospital environment, why?…
You get the idea that the nursing home nurse only changes diaperswhen their real functions are comprehensive care of the geriatric patient. It does not carry out more clinical functions for a simple reason, the regulations of geriatric centers: they are not hospitals and people have a vague concept of what is and what is expected of a geriatric center. And many of them do not have the proper certification, which prevents us as nurses from carrying out our work properly, which would be ideal for the elderly.
However, the physical and emotional load of the nurse can cause risk factors. occupational hazard, which is rarely valued as important, because there is not an adequate number of workers and patients are not adequately classified, that is, physical and psychological dependents. This generates stress and work pressure, since the needs and demands for patient care are excessive.
In the risks as a result of handling biological substances, which are harmful to health, contact with infectious-contagious patients is not taken into account… In some nursing homes there is no adequate control of the patient who is admitted.
He tiredness of the working day It is sometimes a risk factor due to the physical effort of lifting and moving patients when what is necessary is not available (cranes, lumbar support belts). Safety and risk become greater if the appropriate conditions are not available: a slippery floor, obstacles that prevent free movement, the lack of a first aid kit in the event of an accident…
Most of the nurses who work in a nursing home are subjected to a emotional stress. Living on a daily basis with terminally ill, depressed and sick people; the night shift that alters the biological rhythm; the workload; the high responsibility that is required; temporary hiring, and the lack of benefits, are factors that influence low self-esteem, and personal fulfillment. It is for this reason that the quality of care for the elderly decreases. This does not mean that it occurs in a general way in all the people who work with older adults, but it is frequent.
How do I see the job outlook of the nurse in geriatric centers? Well, very discouraging. If the profession is not dignified and valued, and if geriatric centers do not invest in its proper functioning and equipment, even if its cost is higher, it will result in what we currently see in non-certified centers that have untrained personnel… And Unfortunately, the one who suffers the consequences is the elderly.
The training of nurses and caregivers is vital to improve the service and quality of life of the elderly. The ideal would be a greater motivation for their work performance, be it economic or promotion of the worker, to feel like a useful and valued person. The geriatric center’s support for its nurses is vital, and if it is not available, it is difficult to carry out the functions until the end.
These are, personally, some key points for the good work performance of the nurse in a geriatric center:

  • Maintain a proper work pace
  • Training according to job position
  • Have the right material and work equipment
  • Promote proper communication and work discipline, as well as camaraderie
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Article published on the website of a company specialized in consulting and gerontological training.

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