Mouth according to Biodecoding — Emotional Conflicts

The mouth belongs to the first embryonic stage: survival. Any problem in the mouth we have to go looking for emotions and conflicts related to survival.

Mouth according to Biodecoding — Emotional Conflicts

Conflict: devaluation in relation to the word, to the expression. Devaluation because we do not feel heard, and expressing ourselves is important, not being able to communicate is almost like not existing.

There may be a conflict with allowing us to express our aggressiveness. Not being able to “catch the piece” or “they take the bread out of my mouth”. Canker sores under the mucous membranes can go from the mouth to the sigmoid.


  1. “I can’t catch a bite.” For example when we can’t feed ourselves.
  2. “I can’t express a bite.” Unspoken words, untold secrets ulcerate the mouth. Or not respond to an evil experienced in an indigestible way. Little dirty conflicts.

Louise L. Hay tells us

Probable cause: represents the incorporation of new ideas and support. A new mental model can be: I feed on love.

mouth sores

Probable cause: bitter words retained by the lips. Tendency to blame New Thought Pattern: In my world of love I only create blissful experiences.

physical lock

The definition that follows refers to any discomfort located in the mouth.

emotional block

Because it is the upper part of the digestive system, any problem in the mouth indicates a rejection of a new idea, to digest it and use it. This new idea can come from oneself or from another person.

See also  Brain Tumor Biodecoding — Emotional conflicts

Rejection is caused by a too fast reaction in which we do not give ourselves time to analyze all aspects of the situation. It would be good to take it slower, with a broader view, as this new idea can be useful.

The person who bites the inside of his mouth is restraining himself from saying some things that he wants to hide and that distress him.

Mental block

When this happens, realize that you are dominated by one of your fears, that you reacted too quickly, and that nothing bad will happen to you if you allow yourself to go back on your decision, usually made too quickly. On the contrary, it will benefit you and will surely please the other person.

Believe more in the usefulness of new ideas. Mouth diseases are also caused by harmful thoughts that accumulate before being expressed. Become aware of them and don’t hold them too long. Allow yourself to say what you have to say, without thinking that others are going to condemn you.

Everything in our body is important, necessary and some parts are essential for life.

The mouth not only allows us to take food, water, but also gives us the power to express the word. Let’s take care of our emotions related to what we say, what we don’t say and what we would like to say. Our mouth will thank you.

A hug,
