Milanese Day: what is the origin and where the Neapolitan was invented

Milanesa Day: why it is celebrated

The origin of this anniversary arose from social networks, where users created a trending topics focused on the famous dish. For a few years now, May 3 is the day of the popular milanga.


May 3: Milanese day.

The origin of Milanese

The sources are confusing and varied. However, the most popular origin story seems to indicate that milanga emerged in the Italian city of Milan (hence its name). In that area, the dish is known as Cotoletta alla milanese. Apparently, the Milanese can be traced back to XII century: in the year 1134 Milan It was another city within the empire Austro-Hungarianan Italian cook offered the dish at the Austrian court for the first time.

The Milanese arrived at Silver river along with the waves of Italian immigrants of the 19th and 20th centuries. The preparation quickly became popular both in our country and in Uruguaydue to the high meat consumption that occurs in these territories. The first recorded recipe dates back to 1880. From this moment on, various variations began to be introduced: different cuts of meat, different fillings, garnishes, etc.


Neapolitan Milanese.

And the Neapolitan?

The origin of the Milanese to the Neapolitan is undoubtedly Argentine. The birth of this variant of the popular classic can be traced back to the 1950s, to a still life located in front of the Luna Park run by its owner, José Napoli.

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Legend has it that, after burning a batch of Milanese, the cook covered them with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese to hide the bad appearance of the dish from his diners.


What is “the truth about Milanesa”?

This popular saying had its origins in the first decades of the last century. According to Daniel Balmaceda, historian and writer, “the breading of the Milanese preserves the meat. When you eat milanesas you don’t really know what’s inside. That happened to many people in 1920, 1930. They said: What did they put us in here? Only when one opened and cut could one see. That was the real Milanese. “The truth about the Milanese” is when we just opened it”he concluded.