Migraine, a pain that can be disabling –

An intense pain in the head that can last between 4 hours and up to three days, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, rejection of light and noise, are signs of suffering from migraine, a primary type disease, which has no specific causes. but that it can become incapacitating.

It is a disease that manifests itself with lateral pain in the head, which feels like pulsations, however, as Angélica María Gómez, neurologist at our Institution, affirms, “each pain and each patient must be individualized by the doctor who takes the case”.

What causes migraine?

Although there are no exact causes that indicate what is generating this pain, it has been shown that:

  • It can be caused by hormonal changes. In women it can occur in each menstrual cycle.
  • Stress, insomnia, depression and anxiety.
  • The intake of foods such as dairy products, alcoholic beverages, nuts, canned fruits, among others, stimulate their appearance.

When to go to the doctor?

  • If your pain exceeds 72 hours you should go to the emergency room.
  • If you have headache episodes more than three times a week, you need to be evaluated by a doctor.
  • If you take painkillers and do not show improvement, you should make an appointment with your doctor.
  • If you feel changes in the pattern of pain you should see the doctor.

How can we handle it?

  • Have good eating habits.
  • Go to the doctor and do not self-medicate.
  • Sleep well.
  • Do some physical activity.
  • Reduce caffeine consumption.
  • Do relaxation exercises.
  • Avoid consumption of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.
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  • Symptomatic. It is a treatment that is performed when pain appears, with analgesics indicated for pain management.
  • Prophylactic. Treatment that is carried out for a certain time, in order to reduce the frequency of pain. This is done when the pain becomes chronic.

At our Grupo Quirónsalud Clinic we have neurologists who treat diseases of the brain and central nervous system. For more information, call (602) 5186000, (602) 3821000 and (602) 3851000.

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