Meanings of the color garnet

The maroon or maroon color refers to a set of colors between dark reds, Well, it is not a single established color.

The word garnet was used as a synonym for the dark tone, which is believed to refer to the tones of fruits such as pomegranate.

Positive meanings of the color garnet

  • Seriousness
  • Formal
  • Vitality
  • Passion
  • Love

At first the shades of dark red appear very serious, being an option for formal matters.

Similarly, the color garnet is related to blood, so it can also be said to be vitality.

Due to its similarities with red, garnet is seen as a color that generates passion and a lot of love in a more mature sense.

Negative meanings of the color garnet

  • Violence
  • War
  • Pain
  • Suffering

As for the negative, the appearance of blood can be the result of violence, lack of control or wars, meaning at the same time pain and suffering.

Perception of garnet

In different cultures around the world, garnet has other meanings to add, for example, in China it is seen as a color of long life and good luck.

In Russia it is seen with positivity, because it is considered a warm color that means life. However, in Europe in the Middle Ages, garnet was evil and guilt.

Garnet as a mineral

Garnet is not only a color, it is also a mineral that has orange to brown tones, but that, in its most intense form, can appear as a dark red.

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Garnet in its mineral form is considered a precious or sometimes semi-precious stone, which has been used since the Bronze Age to make both jewelry and ornaments.