Meanings of 12 Candle Colors and Best Uses

Candles are a source of lighting used from ancient times to the present day. It is a paraffin stick, although sometimes made of wax or fat, that has a wick inside that goes from the base to the top of it.

These can be lit to illuminate dark spaces, but the purposes of lighting a candle can vary, e.g. to make a wish, perform a ritual or for a wake.

In the market there are candles of many colors, it is important know the meaning of the color of the candles to choose the one that is most appropriate according to your purpose.

Candle colors

  • White. It is the most common color of candles, which denotes purity, well-being, calm, innocence, hope, spirituality and peace. It is excellent for white magic and warding off bad energies.
  • Black. You don’t usually find candles in black, because it represents darkness and all negativity, being contrary to white. Normally, it is used in black magic rituals.
  • Silver. They can also be seen as gray candles, reflecting maturity, wisdom and balance. It is used to deal with charges that are negative.
  • Golden. For rituals in which you want to attract money, success and wealth, gold-colored candles are magnificent, which are also associated with wisdom and renewal.
  • Yellow. It is a color that is synonymous with joy, luminosity and happiness, since it is associated with the sun and its characteristic shine. It turns out to be a good option to improve concentration.
  • Red. They are excellent candles for releasing sexual energies, love, warmth and union. It is great to decorate for holidays like Christmas.
  • Orange. Orange alone is energizing, emotional and invigorating, so its use is highly recommended. If you want to attract harmony, this is the best candle.
  • Pink. Pink candles in general represent love, romance, sweetness and affection. They provide a serene environment accentuating positive aspects.
  • Purple. Purple is par excellence a spiritual and religious color, which also means magic and mysticism. It is recommended to meditate and achieve elevation.
  • Blue. They are candles that symbolize peace and tranquility, as well as calm and hope. Although it can be associated with coldness, it is optional to create good energy.
  • Green. It is present in nature, so green equals progress, peace, goodness and fertility as a candle. It is capable of strengthening stability.
  • Brown. If you want to find solutions to problems, the brown color in candles is appropriate, as it is synonymous with stability and comfort.
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