Meaning of Yin and Yang in love

The philosophy of Yin and Yang establishes that in love it is necessary that there be balance between the couple to complement each other. Within Taoism, Buddhism, and other Eastern beliefs, opposing universal forces are complementary and need each other. In fact, almost everything in the universe is composed of these opposing forces, for example, day and night, the moon and the sun, and even the sky and the earth. It is a belief that comes from ancient Chinese philosophy and is known as “dualism.”

Therefore, in love, Yin and Yang symbolize complementarity and balance between couples, as well as the need to accept differences and contrasts. In this Psychology-Online article, we will explain the meaning of Yin and Yang in love and how to apply it to your relationship to improve it.

What do Yin and Yang mean in love?

In Eastern philosophy, the are two complementary and opposite forces that are found in all things and that interact with each other to maintain balance and harmony in the universe. In the context of love and romantic relationships, Yin and Yang are often used to represent masculine and feminine qualities and characteristics, i.e. each of those forces It symbolizes a type of energy or quality that is necessary to harmonize relationships.

This means that both energies must be involved in relationships, without one prevailing over the other. Below we show you some differences between Ying and Yang energy:

  • Yin energy has to do with softness, subtlety and surrender.
  • Yang energy represents toughness, assertiveness and analysis.

So that you can see it more clearly, the actions of Yang are full of clarity, while Yin tends to be more subtle, therefore, according to the situation of the couple, Yin or Yang can be used according to whatever is needed. When these energies tend to balance, the relationship becomes harmonious and stable. On the contrary, if one of those forces fails, the relationship can be in danger and generate fatigue and resentment.

How to know if your partner is Yin or Yang

How do I know if my partner is Yin or Yang? This is one of the most recurring questions about this philosophy. The truth is that there are specific characteristics associated with each of these forces. Yin is often associated with feminine characteristics, such as softness, receptivity, intuition, and emotionality. In love, Yin can represent the ability to listen to and understand the other person, the willingness to be vulnerable and express emotions, and the ability to create an environment of security and warmth in the relationship.

On the other hand, Yang is often associated with masculine characteristics, such as strength, determination, action, and rationality. In love, Yang is related to the ability to make decisions and lead in the relationship, the willingness to take risks and face challenges together, and the ability to protect and care for one’s partner.

It is important to note that Yin and Yang do not necessarily refer to specific genders, but can be present in anyone, regardless of their sex. In a healthy relationship, both forces must be present and in balance, meaning that both parties must be able to be both Yin and Yang as needed.

What happens if there are imbalances between Yin and Yang in love

When there are imbalances between Yin and Yang in a romantic relationship, various difficulties and problems can arise. Some of the common imbalances that occur in love include:

  • An excess of Yin: If one partner tends to be excessively Yin, they may be too passive and complacent in the relationship and this results in them having a hard time expressing their needs and desires, which can lead to resentment and frustration. Here we explain
  • An excess of Yang: On the other hand, if a person is inclined to always be Yang, they may be too dominant and authoritarian in the relationship. This will make it very difficult for them to listen to and understand the couple’s needs, which will end in conflicts and lack of emotional connection.
  • Lack of Yin: If there is a lack of Yin in the relationship, there will be a lack of emotional and affective connection. The partner may feel distant and cold, and there may be a lack of emotional support and understanding, which is sure to create an unwelcoming and unsafe environment in the relationship.
  • Lack of Yang: On the other hand, if Yang is not present in the relationship, there will be no leadership and direction in the relationship and you will feel lost and directionless, which can lead to anxiety and stress. There may also be a lack of action and progress in the relationship, which can lead to frustration and disappointment.

In short, the couple must understand that a proper balance between Yin and Yang is essential to have a healthy and harmonious relationship. If there are imbalances in the relationship, it is important to identify them and work on them together to restore harmony in the relationship so that love can emerge.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Koppel, M. (2012). Feng shui for love. Alamah.
  • Welden, AGV (1991). Cosmic and Sacred Eroticism in Gonzalo Rojas. Logos: Journal of Linguistics, Philosophy and Literature, (5), 11-18.
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