Meaning of the COLOR BLACK in psychology – What does it convey?

Colors are a communicative instrument of our mind, since they consist of wavelengths that are perceived physiologically spontaneously and are registered in the limbic system, the part of our brain that controls the emotional behavior of the individual. From here it is understandable the fact that the choice of a color or the rejection of it at a particular moment of the day or life has an indicator and detector psychological meaning, therefore it acts as a tool for personal knowledge. In this Psychology-Online article we will discover together the meaning of the color black in psychology.

What does the color black mean?

Black is a color with theoretically zero brightness, no color (which is why it is called “achromatic color”). It is a primary color that cannot be created from nothing, more precisely it is given by the subtractive synthesis of all the colors of the visible spectrum. In this article you will find more information about the. From this point of view, it can be considered the opposite of white, also without color, but given by the additive synthesis of all the colors of the visible spectrum (or three primary colors). In this sense, it is commonly said that white is given by the “combination of all colors”, while black is given by the “absence of color”.

Instinctively, one thinks of the negative aspects of black: childhood fears, darkness, death. These elements are already present in the Bible, where the dye is linked to funerals, the dead and sin. In the symbology it represents the earth and, therefore, mourning, because in the West the deceased are buried and turn into dust, but this is not the case, for example, in Asia. It is indisputable that black, due to its link with the confines of life, has a unique symbolic power among colors and the history of man, who, as living symbols, has used it in a thousand and more ways.

Meaning of the color black in the Lüscher Test

The Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher presented his Clinical Test of Colors at the first world congress of psychology held in Lausanne in 1947. Lüscher’s diagnosis is based on regulated functional psychology, and the colors of his test measure, in addition to perceptions, human sensory functions, especially those unconscious psychovegetative areas inaccessible to verbal conversation. The test is based on six simple, defined colors with a particular meaning, either chosen, therefore positive, or excluded, therefore having a negative value. Next, the meaning of choosing the color black for:

  • Objective physiological meaning: ecstasy.
  • Objective psychological meaning: coercion, will to annihilation, absolute denial, opposition, protest.

Black is the darkest color at all present in the Test and is understood precisely as a negation of the color itself. Therefore, this color It represents denial, the unconditional “no”, rejection, resignation, and always expresses serious discomfort. existential, affective, adaptive or relational. The color adjacent to the preferred black becomes important:

  • /Black: desire for calm and affection, for a calm environment without conflicts; suggestibility and emotional dependence; phobic fear of what is risky.
  • Green/Black: egocentric, stubborn, narcissistic attitude, need for strong confirmations, assurances, control.
  • /Black: impulsivity, low tolerance for frustration, action, display of force, restlessness, irritation, aggressive behavior.
  • /Black: need for relief, feeling hopeless, expecting sudden and catastrophic actions to end problems; In adults and adolescents this pairing may indicate a risk of suicide.
  • Violet/Black: hypersensitivity, seduction, conversion tendencies, emotional lability, suggestion, magical-childish thinking, psychological dependence, mental weakness.
  • Brown/Black: self-harming attitudes, regression in the body, physical numbness as a defense against psychic anguish, self-absorption, absolute desire for abandonment and restorative relaxation, need to forget, existence of a trauma from which one wants to get rid.
  • Grey/Black: opposition, non-collaboration, emotional distancing, discontent, demotivation, disenchantment, resistance, defense of depressive anxiety.

Meaning of the color black in marketing

Not only psychological tests are based on the premise of the psychophysical perception of colors, but also marketing studies, advertising and many other aspects that affect our daily lives. Sometimes the choice of a color may seem random, but this is rarely the case: it may happen that someone buys a dress in the color that is not exactly their favorite because the one in the correct color was finished or for other contingent reasons; But it is difficult for a company to launch a product on the market without having studied its color. Here you can see information about .

Black evokes mystery, and it can work well if to a limited extent and for technological products. For branding and packaging, black is classic and strong, and is regularly used in marketing manager schemes or as a primary component, or to highlight text or graphic characters. Black can also communicate power, luxury, sophistication and authorityand can be used to market anything from cars and electronics to luxury hotels and financial services.

In this article you will find more information about .

Meaning of the color black in architecture and design

In the examination of the elements that contribute to a feeling of well-being or discomfort in the face of the impact with an environment, the function of color cannot be omitted. Indeed, color perception plays a determining role in the relationship that the individual establishes with the environment.

In the Western world, chromatic differences are assigned many other forms of symbolism, which, when presented in a certain environment, correspond to different psychological perceptions. The color black is associated with death and suffering, mourning, the darkness of darkness, the terror of the unknown, magic and mystery, but also with the solemnity and the confidence.

In interiors, black is generally used with other colors as it highlights them making them appear brighter. The psychological perceptions linked to the colors used for interior walls are: abstraction, strangenessgreatly exaggerates the perception of depth of spaces, fullness, heaviness.

Meaning of the color black in fashion

Fashion psychology identifies an intense symbolic value of protection in black: the choice of wearing black can sometimes reveal itself as an unconscious defense against stress and particularly intense and impetuous emotions. Black, the color of the unknown, of what is secret and hidden, seems to represent, in clothing, a defensive barrier and a border between one’s own inner world and the external environment, protecting and hiding the most turbulent and intimate emotions, one’s own vulnerability and insecurity, lack of self-confidence.

If white reveals and exposes to light, black, on the contrary, hides, envelops and protects. If some choose black to hide or disguise parts of your body that are difficult to accept, such as roundness, others seem to use black to unknowingly hide internal parts of their own personality or state of mind.

The color black also seems to be associated with a strong: in the field of clubbing and social events, in fact, black clothing is often adopted to indicate aggregation and equality, going beyond the pure stylistic and aesthetic issue to represent , as a kind of uniform symbolism, belonging to a group, a team, a precise social or political clan.

In addition, black represents the emblem of the authority, power and control. Clothing predominantly black can indicate the unconscious intention to obtain the respect and submission of others, but also the desire to convey sensuality, sophisticated charm, self-control and refinement: this meaning is recognizable in the icon of the dress code in black little black dress and black tie at elite social events.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Lupoli, M. (2018). What does it mean to wear black? Retrieved from:
  • Lüscher, M. (1997). The color test. Diagnosis and therapy. Rome: Armando Editore.
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