Meaning of dreaming about turtles – Psychological interpretation

If you have recently seen a movie or series in which animals appeared, it is very common that you can dream about them that night. But the same thing happens if you see some specific friends, you are having a type of relationship with someone, whether bad or good, or you are experiencing a situation that is peculiar to you. Because dreams are the clearest manifestation of our most recent reality, of our thoughts, feelings and experiences.

However, it is also likely that sometimes you dream about certain animals, people or situations that have not appeared in your life. For example, have you ever dreamed about turtles without having previously seen them in some context in your life? In that case, you will be interested in knowing the meaning of dreaming about turtles. In this Online Psychology article we want to tell you how to interpret this dream.

What does it mean to dream about turtles?

If you have dreamed about turtles and want to know how to interpret this dream according to psychoanalysis, you will be happy to know that Turtles in dreams are a symbol of a happy life free of diseases, since, as is well known, these reptiles are characterized by having a life span of decades. However, turtles in dreams portray our knowledge, tranquility and perseverance to achieve success in all the goals we set for ourselves.

Based on these representations, let’s see what the meaning of dreaming about turtles and fish is but focusing especially on dead, small, land and sea turtles. Decipher the dream world with the book, with interpretations of more than 5,000 elements.

Meaning of dreaming about dead turtles

What does it mean to dream about dead turtles? Death is one of the greatest negative representations and, therefore, dreaming about dead turtles cannot carry any positive connotation. This dream is loving you convey chaos and the feeling of fear that has taken over your life due to some setback. However, like any negative dream, it is a warning, lesson or advice so that you realize the need to reorient your life in time.

Meaning of dreaming about small turtles

If small turtles appeared in your dream, this refers a lot to your personality. Specifically, it means that you are a very discreet person who has a hard time externalizing her feelings and thoughts.

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Meaning of dreaming about sea turtles

Dreaming about land turtles is not the same as dreaming about torutga smareinas, so we will see how the meaning changes from one dream to another. The sea is so big that diving into it, especially if it is an ocean, can lead to a feeling of loneliness. Therefore, dreaming about sea turtles refers to a social distancing that they are having with certain people who may be important in your life. Try to regain contact with them, before the distance becomes even more accentuated and it is too late to recover them.

Meaning of dreaming about land turtles

This dream alone means success. Get away from stress and focus on what is truly important about the path you have taken towards your goals. Due to the longevity of turtles, this dream means that you have plenty of time to achieve the success you are looking for, which does not mean that you should arm yourself with patience but rather that you need to achieve what you have set out to do.

Other meanings of dreaming about turtles

Other specific aspects of the dream with these animals may also have a specific meaning or interpretation:

  • Dreaming about turtles that bite: Anxiety is invading you for not achieving the goals you wanted within the deadline you set.
  • Dreaming about newborn turtles: You have a protective personality with the people you care about most. In addition, it also means that you have a maternal instinct to bring a baby into the world in the future.
  • Dreaming about turtles running: You may be engaging in violent behavior with someone close to you.
  • Dreaming about a turtle that is getting closer little by little: This dream can make you uneasy, it is possible that you are facing a situation that is causing you stress or anxiety because it is not resolved or is progressing very slowly.
  • Dreaming about injured turtles: just like if they appear dead, this dream only has negative meanings, but like all, nothing that you cannot remedy in time. Thus, dreaming about injured turtles wants to tell you to be careful with many people around you, the need for attention they have, as well as their criticism and envy of you are harming you little by little and hurting you emotionally.
  • Dreaming about turtles without shells: It is important to be careful with this dream, it represents a clear warning that due to some circumstance in your life you have lost all the protection you had.
  • Dreaming about a turtle coming out of the sea: means that big changes are coming in your life.

Because turtles are harmless animals characterized by enjoying long years of life, in general, although in some cases it may carry negative connotations, dreaming about turtles gives good luck and is synonymous with good health and a disease-free life in which a very distant end is predicted. So, if you dream about turtles you should not worry, on the contrary, pay attention to the warnings and advice that your subconscious wants to transmit to you and at the same time stay calm because you have a future full of good things.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Borges, J.L. (2013). Dream book. Debols!llo.
  • Freud, S. (2013). The interpretation of dreams (Vol. 267). Akal Editions.
  • Persico, L. (2013). 5,005 dreams: interpretation and meaning. LIBSA.
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