Legs – Integral Health Coaching.

Generic name given to the lower extremities, but it really refers to the segment that goes from the knee to the foot.

Biological sense: The functions of the legs are those of movement, displacement, direction and support. They also have the maternal symbolic function because they root us to the ground (in contact with mother earth).

CONFLICT: My ability to move forward in life, go towards change, towards new experiences.

Conflict related to the mother (my mother, me as a mother…) from the knee down.

Heavy Legs: Carrying too heavy a load.


Right leg: I have to go, move towards… but I don’t want to. affective side Movement starter leg.

Left leg: I want to go, move towards… but I can’t. Danger side. Leg waiting for movement.

When there is difficulty with my legs, I must stop and ask myself the following: What is the current situation or what do I see coming that makes me fear the future? I resist change, I feel “paralyzed”; but is this the real solution? With whom do I have rational difficulties that are a source of tension and conflict?

I advance and evolve every day, every moment, and leg problems only show that there are currently obstacles that I must remove to follow my path towards greater happiness and greater harmony. Whatever new situation presents itself to me, can I trust myself and go beyond my resistance to change?


The calves allow me to move forward. They thus represent a protection in relation to my past while I advance in life.

See also  Numbness or Tingling – Integral Health Coaching.

If it hurts, or if I have cramps in my calves, I have to slow down my pace. Do I want to stop certain events that await me or scare me? Do I have the feeling that events are running over each other, that everything is going too fast?

BIOLOGICAL SENSE: The calf muscles fulfill the function of giving impulse in a jump or at the beginning of a movement or displacement.

Conflict: Impulse conflict. Impotence for not being able to go beyond what we allow ourselves.

Impossibility of effort to leave behind our previously marked limits.

I refuse to change my mind or direction.

I would like to finish as soon as possible.


Second segment of the lower extremity located between the waist and the knee.

BIOLOGICAL SENSE: Functions of displacement (structure) and movement (musculature).

It is also related to sexuality (coverage and contact).

CONFLICT: Conflicts of devaluation and impotence with displacement and pleasure.

Displacement conflict linked to sexuality, such as chasing a partner who does not allow himself to be caught.

Pain in the back of the thigh: The direction with which we have the conflict is known.

Pain in the anterior part: The conflict is situated in relation to the future.

Pain on the inner side: The right leg (left for lefties) indicates separation from loved ones due to obligation.

The left leg (right for lefties) indicates Separation with danger.

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