Learning to let go – Integral Health Coaching.

Living clinging is like walking with your feet tied. It prevents you from moving freely and leaves you trapped in a comfort zone that can be dangerously comfortable.

When you cling to something, you lose the ability to make conscious decisions and take responsibility for your own actions. In other words, the lack of freedom that comes from holding on prevents you from choosing the path you want and committing to the results you want in your life.

Some cling to substances such as food, alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes. Others cling to their job, their partner, their past, or their recurring thoughts. And while all of these behavior patterns may provide a temporary sense of comfort or security, they actually bind us and keep us from moving towards our dreams.

When we are tied to something, we lose the ability to choose our own destiny. We become victims of circumstances beyond our control and feel powerless to change our situation.

Letting go is the key to unlocking our true freedom.

By letting go of what binds us, we open ourselves to new possibilities and opportunities in life. We become masters of our own destiny and take responsibility for our own decisions.

By letting go of the past, negative emotions, and self-destructive behaviors, we create space for personal growth and success.


Letting go of what we cling to can be a difficult and painful process, but it is necessary to achieve emotional freedom and personal fulfillment. Here are some steps you could take to learn to let go of what is holding you back:

  1. Identify what keeps you clinging: Before you can let go of something, you need to identify what is holding you on. It could be an addiction, a toxic relationship, a work situation, a past trauma, or even a limiting belief.
  2. Accept your current situation: once you identify what is holding you back, accept your current situation. This means recognizing that you can’t change the past, but you can change how you feel and act in the present.
  3. seek support: Letting go can be difficult and painful, so it’s important to have emotional support. Find someone you trust with whom you can talk openly about your feelings and fears.
  4. Practice neurobiological coaching tools: These practices can help you focus on the present and accept your thoughts and emotions without judgment. Meditation and mindfulness can also help you find clarity and make more conscious decisions.
  5. Make a list of the positive things that will come after letting go.: focus on the positive things that will come after letting go of what you cling to. Make a list of the opportunities that will present themselves and how it will feel to be free of that emotional weight.
  6. take action: Lastly, take action to let go of what you are clinging to. This may mean leaving a toxic relationship, seeking professional help to overcome an addiction, changing jobs or cities, among other things.

Remember that letting go can be a gradual process and it can take time, but with patience, perseverance and professional support, it is possible to free yourself from what is holding you back.

See also  Message from Dr. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Do you want to free yourself? Learn to let go and let go of what keeps you stuck?

We offer you a unique program of Personal Healing and Professional Training, with the most modern techniques to promote the integral healing of people: Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and attitudinal.