Learning styles test – what is yours?

What are styles? Learning styles are different ways in which we can learn. There are different classifications of learning styles according to different authors, but they are not exclusive. For example, the 3 major dimensions in which we perceive information or the 4 main learning styles in terms of personal characteristics.

What are the learning styles? This learning styles test is based on the visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles.

  • Visual learning style: Visual learners are characterized by better internalizing information presented visually. How do visual people learn? Through diagrams, graphs, tables, etc.
  • Auditory learning style: The characteristic of the auditory learning style is that information is better remembered when it is heard and explained.
  • Kinesthetic learning style: The kinesthetic learning style is defined as learning by experimentation or through movement. How to recognize a kinesthetic? The ones are expressed in a physical way and tend to be more restless.

It would be ideal to use a learning styles questionnaire in primary school to adapt teaching strategies to students’ strengths, however, knowing your learning style is useful throughout life. If you want to know which one is yours, in Psychology-Online you can do this learning styles test free, online and with immediate results. This short and free psychological test will allow you to know what strategies you can use to acquire knowledge more easily.

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