Jellyfish stings: What is the best treatment?

With the arrival of good weather and high temperatures, the much-feared jellyfish often appear on the beach, especially on the Mediterranean coast. These marine animals are relatively simple creatures, equipped for survival: its tentacles are endowed with a stinging liquid They use as a defense.

It is very easy to suffer a jellyfish sting because it is enough to rub against them to suffer the consequences that are usually sharp stinging and pain.

Both doctors and lifeguards recommend that the best way to treat a jellyfish sting is to clean the wound with salt water or saline and apply cold compresses to reduce pain. In addition, it is convenient to cover the affected area with sterile gauze and apply some ointment with antihistamines and corticosteroids that reduce inflammation, keeping it isolated from water and sun for two or three days.

No spraying the wound with urine

pour fresh water in the wound, cover it with sand either spray her with urine, They were some of the popular remedies to alleviate the pain of a jellyfish sting. However, both doctors and first responders strongly advise against these practices as they only spread the poison and could even aggravate the skin rash.

If any jellyfish tentacle has become attached to the skin, it must be removed with tweezers or latex gloves (a bit of vinegar helps) avoiding touching it at all times.

In general, the jellyfish sting heals gradually and without further complications, but sometimes some people may suffer a anaphylactic shock caused by an allergic reaction to the jellyfish’s toxic fluid.

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What to do if we have been stung by a jellyfish?

The jellyfish sting causes intense pain and itching in the wound area and hives on the skin. The pain usually lasts between half an hour and an hour, but it is advisable to go to a medical center if the discomfort persists in order toavoid an allergic reaction to the toxic liquid of the jellyfish.

On the other hand, special care must be taken in the case of bites to babies, who still have an immature immune system, or to the elderly, especially if they take medication.

What are the most dangerous jellyfish in the world?

Mostly jellyfish are not that dangerous, but some can be deadly. If you want to know which are the most poisonous jellyfish in the world, take a virtual walk through our gallery.