Important values ​​to promote in sexual education

Human sexuality is one of the most important ways of relating that exists for people, which is why almost all the human values ​​that we promote will have a more or less direct importance in psychosexual development.

Likewise, it is valid to mention:

Pleasure: It is important to convey that pleasure is part of healthy sexuality. If there is no pleasure in the exercise of people’s sexuality, surely there is something to review.

Privacy: It has to do with the reserve that people choose to perform some actions more than others, with understanding that there is physical intimacy and also spiritual intimacy and that people tend to feel fuller and happier when they can enjoy both.

Communication: As in any other aspect of human relationships, it becomes very important to be able to communicate tastes, desires, emotions, fantasies, preferences, etc. If people are encouraged to have the ability to convey what they feel and ask for what they need in a respectful manner, it is much more likely that healthy and pleasurable sexual behaviors will develop.

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I respect: It is essential to convey that my right ends when the other’s begins and vice versa. It is not possible to relate sexually in a healthy way if we do not have respect incorporated into our way of relating.

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Health: It is important to inform about the most widespread sexually transmitted diseases as well as the optimal means to reduce these risks as much as possible. At the same time, keep in mind that there are healthy and unhealthy ways of exercising our sexuality. If in this exercise there is discomfort, suffering, physical or moral pain, you must ask for help without fear or prejudice.

Responsible procreation: When educating another human being sexually, we must take into account that the sexual relationship has reproduction as one of its possible consequences. It is important, in addition to informing about the different contraceptive methods, to remember that it is the responsibility of the people that reproduction develops together with sufficient emotional maturity and accompanied by the desire for paternity/maternity that a baby needs to develop healthily.

Diversity: People experience sexuality in a diverse way. It is healthy that this is the case, just as it is also healthy that we learn to respect this diversity in others and in ourselves.

Author: Evelyn Pinto is a therapist specialized in sexuality. You can learn more about her and her work on her website.