Ibuprofen, paracetamol or aspirin: when to take each of them?

He ibuprofen, paracetamol and aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) are three of the most widely consumed drugs in our country due to their anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. Probably if a survey were carried out at the state level, few medicine cabinets in Spanish homes would lack any of these three drugs, which are administered without the need for prescriptions in pharmacies and to which we resort for multiple reasons in our day to day. Headaches, back pain, toothache, menstrual pain, muscle pain, inflammation, fever…

There are many and varied occasions on which we resort to ibuprofen, paracetamol or aspirin. Many citizens use these analgesics interchangeably to fight any type of ailment, even in some cases making use of them indiscriminately. However, in reality each of these drugs has its own characteristics and therefore each one is indicated to combat certain ailments. Also They have their own contraindications. And it is that its abuse or indiscriminate consumption can cause ailments such as kidney and liver damage, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers, blood pressure disorders, dizziness, headaches, bleeding…

In these lines we will try to discover you when should we resort to ibuprofen, paracetamol or aspirinwhat are their differences and risks.


This non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) It is considered the “king drug” of triple A: analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory. Its use is indicated to combat fever and for the symptomatic relief of mild or moderate pain such as headache, toothache, arthritis, osteoarthritis, menstrual discomfort, inflammatory conditions, muscle pain, sore throat, arthritis, pharyngitis, discomfort caused by strains or sprains…

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Espidifen, Nurofen, Saetil, Ibuen or Neobrufen are some of the brands under which this propionic acid derivative is marketed, which, unlike paracetamol, has among its ‘benefits’ anti-inflammatory capacity. For children, Dalsy, Pirexin or Junifen are some of the most common commercial brands.

Regarding the type of this drug, the most common doses are 400 and 600 mg, with presentations ranging from tablets to the granules, suppositories, oral solutions…

Side effects: Being an anti-inflammatory drug, its main defect is that it can be harmful to our stomach (peptic ulcers, bleeding, perforations…). It is for this reason that it is recommended to take it during meals and even accompanied by a gastric protector in the event that we must make repeated use of this drug.

In addition, an excessive consumption of ibruprofen can also have negative consequences at the cardiovascular level and can cause kidney and liver disorders. On the other hand, ibuprofen is not recommended in patients suffering from gastric ulcer, severe renal or hepatic insufficiency, in addition to those people who take antihypertensives.


Like ibuprofen, paracetamol it is also a drug with analgesic and antipyretic properties. Unlike ibuprofen, however, it does not have anti-inflammatory properties. That is to say, paracetamol is fundamentally a drug indicated to combat fever and moderate pain (rheumatism, lumbago, stiff neck, sciatica, headaches, bone pain, toothache, menstrual pain…).

In this case, the best-known commercial brands are Gelocatil, Efferalgan, Termalgin or Xumadol, while in the case of children the most popular is Apiretal. Like ibuprofen, its types of presentations vary, from tablets to oral solutions, granules, suppositories… In this case, the most common doses are 500 and 650 mg and 1 gram.

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Side effects: Unlike ibuprofen, its consumption does not have any negative consequences for the stomach. On the other hand, it can have it for the liver and kidneys in the event that excessive consumption is made. Its use is not indicated in those people who suffer from hepatic insufficiency.

In case we do not need to fight inflammation, it is advisable to resort to paracetamol before ibuprofen, since it has fewer side effects. In addition, it is more effective in fighting fever. On the other hand, we must opt ​​for ibuprofen if, in addition to the pain, there is inflammation of some tissue. However, our choice should be ibuprofen in the event that the pain we feel is accompanied by tissue inflammation.


Although the name of aspirin has become a commonly used nomenclature, we are actually referring to the acetylsalicylic acid. For a long time, this pain reliever has been in frequent use in every home, although lately its sales seem to have declined in favor of ibuprofen.

And it is that the properties of acetylsalicylic acid are similar to those of ibuprofen (both belong to the family of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). In this sense, it has an analgesic (reduces pain), anti-inflammatory (reduces inflammation), antipyretic (reduces fever) and antiplatelet agent (inhibits the accumulation of platelets in the blood vessels). This last effect causes platelets to accumulate in the blood vessels and, therefore, reduces the risk of clots that prevent the passage of blood and lead to heart attacks or strokes.

Its use is indicated for fight occasional mild or moderate pain such as head, dental, menstrual, muscle, back, pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis…

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Among its contraindications, there is the fact that its use is not recommended for children. In fact, its consumption should be limited to those under 18 years of age. Besides, It is also not indicated to combat febrile processes of viral origin, such as the fluas it can cause complications. On the other hand, it is not indicated for people with stomach problems or suffering from diseases that cause excessive bleeding, such as hemophilia. Among the side effects that the abusive use of acetylsalicylic acid can cause include stomach and intestinal ulcers, abdominal pain, heartburn and heartburn, nausea, vomiting…

Although Aspirin is by far the best-known brand of acetylsalicylic acid, there are others such as Cerebrino, Rhonal, Calmantina, Dolmiran or Okaldol.