I identify the signs to know if a close child is suffering from abuse

Many times the abuser is someone from the family environment and plays a key role in the process of forming the child’s personality, therefore, he has the child’s trust to manipulate him in case he tells something.

Recognizing child abuse is not easy. Because of fear and shame, children have a hard time talking about what they are experiencing. According to Mexican psychologist Julia Borbolla, “child abuse occurs when a child is used for the sexual stimulation of her attacker or the gratification of an observer. It involves any sexual interaction in which consent does not exist or cannot be given, regardless of whether the child understands the sexual nature of the activity and even when she does not show signs of rejection.

It is key that parents or guardians have good communication and trust with their children, but also be aware of any type of physical or behavioral changes that may be a warning sign of something that is not right.

Dr. Rafael Vásquez, specialist in child and adolescent psychiatry, mentions four clear signs to detect if a minor is being abused or may be at risk:

  1. In a scenario where parents must go out to work and leave the child alone at home with an adult.
  2. When, especially the young child, begins to have open sexual behaviors that they did not present before.
  3. When alterations appeared in the sleep of a child who previously had no difficulties sleeping or had nightmares and from one moment to the next began to suffer from these signs. If it is a child with vulnerability factors with close adults who could be perpetrators of violence, more attention must be paid to the issue.
  4. The so-called parental alienation, where one of the separated parents can interpret any act of the other as sexual violence and it is very difficult to clarify the situation. Both allege that the other sexually violated the child and the signs of abuse, true or not, become tools that the parents use to attack each other. This is worth mentioning because no one talks about it and it is an everyday problem.
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Others are:

  • Uses sexually inappropriate language.
  • His knowledge about sex does not correspond to his age.
  • It looks withdrawn and doesn’t want hugs or other displays of affection for some family members, close friends, teachers or a specific person.
  • Suffer from depression or anxiety.
  • He hurts himself.
  • Makes comments that show low self-esteem.
  • Injuries such as bruising, bleeding or swelling occur in the genital area, and are evidenced by complaints of pain when walking and sitting.
  • There are signs of infection in the urinary or genital area. Includes frequent burning, itching, or discharge.
  • Blood or other fluids are evident in your underwear.
  • A pregnancy.
  • Changes in academic performance.
  • They go back to wetting the bed or sucking their thumb.
  • They refuse to bathe or there is excessive bathing, this depends on the age of the minor.
  • It is too noticeable worried about a brother.
  • Receive sudden gifts or money from a person in authority.

If he confesses what is happening, he must be believed absolutely and the ICBF route of the first 72 hours must be activated, in which any type of sexual abuse must be promptly reported to the competent authorities. These entities are the family police stations, the Child and Adolescent Police, the Judicial Police, an immediate reaction unit and the Attorney General’s Office.

In doing so, the minor must receive timely medical care and psychological support, medications to prevent sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS, emergency contraception to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, counseling for Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy and a sample collection for obtain evidence of the fact.

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If you have questions about this topic or need guidance about it or know of a child who is being abused and you don’t know how to handle the situation, we can help you. Call us at 3330333126 or write to us on WhatsApp or our chat, which can be found in the box that says ‘Are you not feeling well?’ which you find on the right side of this page. Remember that our services are free.