I hate my family: what can I do? – resolving conflicts



effort to lose bad feelings for the family and treat them with love



I hate my family, they always make stupid excuses to punish me, they are always against me and I thought that here would be the solution, and? No!! It’s just pure bullshit… nothing works, they always want to screw up my life and won’t leave me alone and do you know how I feel? If no one is interested, I thought that the family was a support, but mine is an unbearable weight and I have heard sayings of ´´without the family we are nothing´´ well that saying totally lies.



In my case, the resentment I feel towards my family is because of the favoritism they have shown their entire lives for my older brother. In that there is also some guilt on their part since when he was born they left him with my grandmother for 5 years since they went to work in another city very far away. They never reproached him if he hit me, yelled stupid things at me to make fun of me in public or if I did something bad, but for the slightest mistake they would punish me in the strictest way possible, telling me that I would never amount to anything, ignoring me for days or even weeks. and in the case of my father even with physical punishment. For almost 10 years he dropped out of university just to do nothing, living without working and drinking at their expense. Personally, I do not use drugs, I remain consistent with my studies and responsibilities, I have achieved many things in my life and although I recognize my own value as a person, it is sad that they have never valued it or encouraged it. What’s more, my brother recently started using cocaine, a drug that seriously transforms people’s behavior, but it doesn’t seem to worry them. Now all I want is to get away from them, I don’t tolerate them, especially my brother, who despite living in another house, comes to eat here just to save money out of his pocket and spend it with his friends on more alcohol. I usually avoid him by eating a little later than him, when he comes home I go to my room or go out for a walk. For now I don’t have enough money to be able to buy a place of my own, but for the moment it is my only alternative, I can’t tolerate having them around or listening to them flatter someone who ruins their life every day and does nothing to remedy it while they just ignore me



I just hate my family (I wish it wasn’t)



For as long as I can remember, I knew that I was adopted and yesterday my biological mother was the worst being on the face of the earth. Whatever I did wrong or that I was going to make a mistake, my adoptive mother compared it to my biological mother, just as weak, just as stupid, just as pxtx, I never received a word of encouragement or an I love you or even the slightest concern for my feelings or thoughts. Most of my childhood I wanted to die just before I came of age, I left home, I was hungry, cold, the years have passed and to this day there is no connection, sometimes I attend family gatherings out of obligation but I don’t. I don’t feel like I’m a member of any family, I don’t feel like I have a mother, much less a dad, I have brothers who have never been. It’s very sad to be human. Not to belong to anything. I hope all the wounds of those who give their testimony there heal. Today I have a daughter and I am giving her everything that my daughter once wanted or needed and I don’t talk about things, I talk about what really matters, being there, respecting, loving, listening… to help her grow…

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I’m sorry



Technically, I don’t hate my whole family, but only my grandmother, since I was little, she has missed me for being a woman. She always says that my brother is the best and that I don’t have any title in my house. When I was little, she hit me if I didn’t do my homework well. chores and it was with a hose but I told my mother and she played the victim. She stopped hitting me one day when I recorded her with my phone and I spent a few years calmly but everything starts again and she tells me that I am a nuisance. She abuses me without makes no sense and the worst thing is that she plays the victim. My brother hears her and he scolds her but for her I am a hindrance this year only because I don’t have a skirt on. He calls me fat. He scolds me when I eat and when she cooks she only cooks for me. brother, once I thought about committing suicide because of her but it’s not worth it and many times I’ve thought about her dying but it’s bad to tell someone about death it bothers me and the worst thing is that she plays the victim and the worst thing is that I have money saved and many times it is not complete and she shows up with money and the worst thing is that I share a room with her I think my low self-esteem is her fault 🙁 she calls me fat and many times visitors come and she tells them that I am fat when they don’t care it matters 🙁

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01/25/2021 Don’t worry Adri, you’ll see that one day everything will change, there is no problem that lasts a hundred years and there is no one to endure it. Have patience and a lot of faith, don’t listen to negative comments about your life, look in the mirror and love yourself as you are, put butter on yourself when they say something offensive to you, that’s what I do and it helps a lot. Let it enter one ear and let it come out the other. Remember that your well-being is better than looking good with other people, worry about yourself and your self-love, if you have self-love no one will be able to lower your spirits. We are all beautiful just the way we are ❤️

Kisses friend ❤️



I know how you feel about me, it’s the same, I feel like no one understands me, but I know that when I grow up I will be successful, you can, because we are strong and we are not going to give up *never*

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blessings to all and I support you adri



I have always known that my parents do not love me or my brother since I know that they pretend that they love me although in reality that is not why I am 8 years old, my parents only pretend like my older brother Emiliano, I am the little one since I am 8 My brother is 14 years old and I always know that they are only pretending so tell me why my mother scolded me when I was just a girl and she hurt me and didn’t even ask for forgiveness for anything she did to me, in total there were 3 wounds, one big one, one small circle. and the other, another circle on one arm, I had to remind her of this: hey, mom, I was hoping that you would ask for forgiveness and she told me, sorry, daughter, yelling at me just like my brother, they don’t understand what I think and I don’t have anyone to share, only with my friends. dogs when I am completely alone in my house I talk to them and I share my emotions with them but I know that they don’t listen to me the same as my stuffed animals I feel that they understand me and I understand them although I know that in reality my parents don’t love me……….



I hate my family, they always judge what I do or say, they say that I am useless and that I am of no use, sometimes it makes me want to leave my house

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I also hate them a little bit



My name is Liliana and I have several problems with my family, I am 17 years old, I am almost 18, my family is small, it is made up of my mother, grandmother, three uncles and an uncle’s wife, they are the ones who have seen me since I I was born and maybe that’s why sometimes people offend me for something I say, do or wear. When I’m at the table my mom starts and sets the tone for everyone to bother me. I’m thin, I always have been and I eat what’s necessary. , my family, mainly my mother and my grandmother, have wanted me to gain more weight like everyone else, but although I have tried I cannot, I am already like that, my family is Christian and I have gone so far as to tell God why my body is like this, when We are eating at the table, if I leave something on the plate they say that I am on a diet or that I am anorexic, malnourished, that I could die, that the wind could blow me away, I feel fine and I don’t exactly have to eat two tortillas to be fine. , they force me to eat tortilla because they say that I will gain weight that way, I don’t understand the desire, other people tell me that I am fine like this and try to humiliate me when there is company, I don’t like to sit at the table with them for that reason and then they tell me I’m antisocial for that reason, maybe if they treated me differently I would want to eat with them. My mom tries hard to make sure she doesn’t love her, she bothers me from the plate I grab food to the size of my hair and the way I dress, she has never said I love you or a hug that comes out of her; My family has lowered my self-esteem a lot and until recently I met someone I am building what my family destroyed, he has made me feel pretty just the way I am, but this happens very often and I cry a lot because even what I I say they criticize me, I even want to leave my house, I don’t hate them, but if I would like an answer to my situation, I know that I have to forgive them for everything they have done to me since God says so, but I can’t A Christian family does that with the only daughter, only niece, only granddaughter. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my short comment. God bless you and your family.

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I’m sorry that your family treats you like this, they often take it out on you :(.
But you are beautiful just AS IS, really, don’t let his hurtful comments hurt you, if that person who makes you feel good, supports you and encourages you, IT SHOULD BE, period, you are and he reminds you because he loves you.. .
And about being thin, friend, that’s in genetics :(, we can’t change it, so try little by little to accept your body, explore it and love it, BECAUSE IT’S UNIQUE, AND BEAUTIFUL ❤️.
If you read this from another girl (a stranger like me), I love you friend, I know that you can move on and learn to value yourself, it is still difficult for me, many times I say to myself “I hate myself”, BUT, I know that with him time I will be able to say “I love myself”, I know you can do it too ❤️.



Hello, I am also 16 years old and I want to tell you that I understand you, look for something to distract yourself, maybe you can distract yourself by doing art, for example you can draw or listen to music or both at the same time, you can also write music and talk about the topic about everything your family has done to you to get you to this, cutting your wrists is not the solution, but if you can get back at them by writing and maybe write music, at least I do that when I have problems with the family they gave me but I know that It can be over and that’s it.



Thank you for your comments, it has helped me a lot to write, I write about how I feel and situations that happen around me. My problems increased, but I know that one day this martyrdom will end.

