I consume any of these six foods to combat anxiety and depression

Reduce some complicated moments of the day naturally thanks to these foods.

Taking medications to relieve symptoms of stress or anxiety is not the only option. Some foods rich in tryptophan, vitamin B, complex carbohydrates, omega 3 and proteins can be good natural allies to balance the mood, relax the muscles and reduce emotional hunger derived from anxiety.

Which are?

1. Orange

Thanks to the vitamin C in this fruit, cortisol is reduced in the body, as is blood pressure, therefore, negative responses to stress decrease. Due to its natural sugar, it calms the desire to consume sweets in other presentations and increases the defenses of our immune system.

2. Water

It helps calm the desire to eat due to anxiety, as it fills the stomach and creates a feeling of satiety. In addition, it maintains a good level of hydration.

3. Banana

Provides potassium and tryptophan. According to the Colombian Food Composition Table (TCAC), this fruit has 2.6 grams of fiber, which helps our intestinal transit, which is often deregulated due to anxiety, but, in addition, if they are underripe, they have a prebiotic starch that It feeds the bacteria that regenerate the intestinal flora, in which 90% of the serotonin produced by our body is manufactured. It also has 38 milligrams of magnesium, an element that helps us relax our muscles.

4. Vegetables

Dietitian-nutritionist Sandra Sumalla assures that vegetables are related to a lower risk of developing disorders such as anxiety in the long term. Therefore, it is essential that they are the basis of our diet. Don’t reduce them, quite the opposite.

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5. Lentils

After each meal, many feel that they were not full when they were. These legumes can help your body reduce the level of anxiety by feeling satiated. Being the lightest of that food group, they can be a great option.

6. Oats

Rich in vitamin B, magnesium and fiber, it helps the good health of the nervous system and works as a mild sedative. For this reason, they recommend it to reduce some anxiety symptoms.