I ARGUATE a lot with my PARTNER over trivial things: what do I do? – Psychological advice



Hello, I argue every day with my partner, one day we are good and the next bad, or one day we are good and we end up bad. He doubts me, if I go to the store, pharmacy, I don’t tell him, he gets upset, if I buy something without telling him, why? I explain things to him, I’m not doing anything wrong, I don’t like betrayals, I don’t think anyone, I feel that because of what he went through, if they did something to him, why should I pay for all this? I already asked you, but we are arguing again…..the joke is that there is conflict every day. There is a lot of attraction, chemistry and love, yes, because I feel it… I tell him, let’s go to the psychologist, he doesn’t want to. We have been living together for 6 months, I love him very much, I really don’t know what to do, and it hurts me that all this is happening, it really hurts me, because I have thought stupid things that come into my head, because I can’t find the way out… .. .. I already read pages, and articles if they help but not in everything =(

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I understand you, I had a couple of patients like that, I will not say names out of respect and integrity. a couple who argued about everything, she couldn’t do anything, she took care of him very well as a wife, he also tried to give her “everything” however he didn’t think that co-workers greeted her, if she saw a message or call he thought badly of her, if she didn’t answer his calls on time he would get angry and start saying many things to her, when she was always faithful to him, but he could do things, say hello, talk to other people including women, even he did things I thought she would never notice. Until they both went to therapy, it was there that they realized where they were failing as a couple, but above all on a personal level. They are both still in therapy, it helped them a lot to take some time and get back to their lives again. I hope that as advice they take therapy and can solve differences, internal problems that each one has, by talking a little about what happens to you is when we realize the love you feel and that you want to get it all back. a hug Susy



I don’t know what to do, my partner is always looking for anything I’m doing wrong or anything stupid to discuss, he doesn’t want to go to couples therapy, he doesn’t make love to me or even show signs of affection, I want everything to be like it was at the beginning but She doesn’t do her part, I can’t continue like this. Help me please.

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Be brave and leave her (if you can) you will realize over time what you are worth and how free you will feel, you will miss many things, but everything goes on, cheer up, you will survive



End it, it’s not good for you, think and work more on yourself.

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Thank you very much for this and the other articles that go hand in hand with this, I was able to realize that unlike what I always believed, no, it is not my partner who is to blame for things, most of the time it is me. This article and the others that I am reading together are helping me to greatly improve my negative behavior and to be able to eradicate it from my being. Thank you very much online psychology.



Because my wife fights for everything and does not want to be in love with me and suffers because she loves me

Ana Maria

06/09/2021 I’m already desperate I don’t know what to do every day it’s the same the same fights I’m to blame for the fights for being so possessive about the task I can’t take it anymore every day that passes we offend each other and the worst thing is that my children see everything that happened



How to get couples therapy online? I live in Cuba! Is it possible from here the same?

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It’s hard to tell you this, therapies only serve to make a few rich, I’m telling you from experience, only you know what you want and your partner, I have always been a pacifist with my partner, I respect her a lot, I have always made the marriage go ahead because I am the one who ALWAYS makes peace, the one who asks to talk, she doesn’t, and almost always the discussion starts with her, is a psychologist going to tell you how you should live with her? LIVE WITH HER FOR A MONTH to see if he can stand her, he will need therapy later but not for a relationship but for stress and all that, only you know what you want, draw conclusions, what unites you to that person? Does he respect you? If there are always lawsuits it’s not worth living like this



Right now I am going through a similar situation. I need help. I am about to get divorced. My husband left home and I am alone with my baby. I don’t know what to do. Please advise me.

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Love yourself more.

Lourdes angelica fregoso Jiménez


My partner always offends me, physically and verbally, he starts arguing even about the past, I told him to stop but he always wants to be right, everything charges me even how much I work and he says he doesn’t have to buy me anything because I work I can’t go out anywhere alone, my mood constantly changes, he wants me to be like before, but the truth is I don’t do anything bad, I ask him for respect, tolerance, trust, but he doesn’t want to, he doesn’t want to, he always blames me, he denigrates me as a woman and person I don’t know what to do

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Friend, escape from there, it’s not your place, you are in a toxic relationship that probably leads to abuse, from what I see psycho-physically, as you rightly say, if you are afraid of leaving him, go to any woman’s help point, the closest, they will help you there, please I have seen and lost friends because of these things, I am not saying that the same thing happens to you but your explanation shows a clear example of abuse, stay away from there, it is better to start from scratch than to continue like this!

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If he doesn’t respect you then what do you do with that person? That is not love, above all respect, so look for something better, someone who values ​​and respects you.

Doctor heart


Relax, first cut off your relationship with that person, you say that you already tried and he doesn’t give in, calm down, life is beautiful, you will find paradise far from that place, where they don’t value you.



Thank you very much, being together with your partner is complicated when one of you starts arguing.



I have a good fight with my partner because sometimes he doesn’t like the way he is mine if I scold the children so he doesn’t scold himself if I call attention he doesn’t like it sometimes I feel like he wants his holy will to be done

luis rivera


I would like you to help us virtually in pairs.

Sonia García González


I argue with my partner every day and we have been living together for a month. I am a very jealous person and I don’t want to lose him. Last night he told me that he was stopping loving me because of the way I am, what do I do. Thank you

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Look deep within yourself to see what causes you jealousy and why, work on it and try to improve it, jealousy is a matter of yourself, not of the other person, if he wants to cheat on you, he will do it with or without your jealousy, each one is where you want to be and in the end if your partner doesn’t do anything, the one who needlessly suffers the most is you!

María Guadalupe Olvera Vázquez


Exactly, I realized that although there is love, being dominant both leads us to arguments over any situation, it is about self-control of emotions, however if there is no willingness there will be no progress.



Tips to be well with my partner



I need help….😓
I have been in a relationship with my partner for 9 months. At the beginning everything was very nice despite having been an unstable relationship. I had previously had a partner with whom I stayed for two years and I had doubts about whether or not I should start a relationship. This brought about the lack of respect, whenever we got upset I would look for my ex and he would go out and I met other girls. After several problems we decided to try it because despite everything we were very modern, very communicative and we got along very well.
But for a while (2 weeks) I feel like everything is falling apart. I always like to win and he does too, and we always end up arguing. We no longer agree on anything. We start to be very possessive people and he has He even physically attacked me on more than one occasion, although I have to accept that my personality is very strong, although I had never raised my hand to him.
Sometimes I think we should leave it because we have had too many problems, but other times everything gets a little complicated because at some moments we go back to being the same as before.
I need help…..

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Hello! I would like to obtain information about couples therapy and if they have workshops. Greetings

ingrid gomez


Hello, good afternoon, my husband is one of those men who always wants to be right and be given it, he wants me to lower my head every time he starts to argue but I can’t and I agree because it makes me angry. to do?



Hello, my partner always thinks he knows everything, every time we argue he kicks me out of the house, he tells me that he will look for other women better than me because he can’t do it until I leave, it bothers him that I cook for his brother and sister-in-law since according to him his mother should cook for his daughter-in-law.
He thinks I’m cheating on him, I don’t go out with friends because they just want to go shopping according to him, I love him it would be sinic if I told them that I stay silent because if I answer him he’s never attacked me but he always gets angry and gets angry with everyone in the house. home I hope you help me

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Hello, I don’t have much experience since I am not married, but what I understand is that your partner is very possessive, I think it is not fair that he does not let you go out. He is your husband and I’m sure your parents didn’t even do that. I think that if he gets very angry about anything, it would be good to find out the reason (go to personal therapy and if he tells you that psychologists are for crazy people, tell him that he is wrong and the saner people have gone) Because in a certain way and with his comments affect you and you have to know how far to say no.

Naomi Zepeda


Hello, a short time ago the arguments started with my husband, but a few days ago he started with insults, unfortunately he doesn’t want to admit it when he does it, he tells me that I understand and listen to what I want, he says that I only like to think and say things and that everything I say, he is no longer interested in what I say, this situation really makes me feel bad, that he doesn’t care about me, that if I am tired and I no longer love my children, that I should leave them to him and that He will see how he does with them. I don’t know what to do. I hope you can help me or give me some advice. The truth is, I don’t want to separate from my husband. I hope not to be ignored. Thank you for your attention.



I fight a lot with my wife, she tells me that I only play the victim, that I don’t know how to listen, that I only want to fight when I want, but in…