I am not a monster: schizophrenia, Cecilia McGough

Cecilia McGough is an astronomer, activist, and writer as a Penn State Schreyer Honors College Fellow pursuing a major in astronomy and astrophysics. Cecilia is the founder and current president of Penn State Pulsar Search Collaboratory. She has been participating in pulsar research continuously since December 2009, co-discovering pulsar J1930-1852 with the widest orbit ever observed around another neutron star, competing in the International Space Olympics held in Russia, and co-authoring her research in astrophysics. Diary. Cecilia is a mental health activist fighting against the negative stigma towards mental illness. She is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the soon-to-launch nonprofit Students With Schizophrenia, the only nonprofit in the United States focused on empowering college students with schizophrenia.

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