Hydrolyzed collagen helps reduce pain in joint pathologies

A daily intake of 10 grams of Hydrolyzed collagen may have beneficial effects for people who suffer joint pathologiesas may be the case of the osteoarthritisas stated by the Dr. Luis Gandíaprofessor of Pharmacology at the Autonomous University of Madrid during the congress «DIATROS, Improving women’s health» held in Barcelona.

In his presentation “Effects of oral hydrolyzed collagen on joint wear and overuse injuries”, sponsored by the brand of Ordesa Laboratories, Dr. Gandía, reviewed different studies that show the positive effects of the administration of hydrolyzed collagen in patients with joint problems, whether caused by osteoarthritis, joint wear or injuries. “Studies conducted in recent decades show that hydrolyzed collagen helps to significantly reduce pain and improve mobilityhelping to reduce the use of pain medication”, affirmed this specialist.

The intake of collagen helps to improve the mobility of people suffering from joint pathologies

To get the benefits of collagen, Dr. Gandía recommended take it hydrolyzed for its better absorption and bioavailability. And it is that, of the foods that can provide collagen to the body -such as bones, tendons, cartilage or skins from animals and gelatins- a maximum of 10% can be absorbed, compared to hydrolyzed collagen, which has greater bioavailability and which is can assimilate more than 80%. In addition, hydrolyzate presents a faster absorption.

Collagen is indicated from the age of 40 in the population with the highest risk of joint wear situationssuch as people who suffer from joint pain, conditions such as osteoarthritis, muscle-tendon injuries and especially in the case of women from perimenopause and men from 45-50 years of age.

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In the menopausesupplementation with this nutrient can play an important role in dealing with the loss of collagen, which occurs as a consequence of the decrease in hormonal levels, being a stage with a greater probability of developing osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. In addition, collagen is part of the bone matrix that helps to fix calcium and magnesium, allowing to improve the condition of bones and joints.

The pure hydrolyzed collagen based food supplements They are an important aid to women’s health in perimenopause and menopause. A daily intake of 10 grams per day helps reduce joint discomfort that occurs during this stage as a result of hormonal changes. From the age of 40, taking collagen may also be suitable for those who want maintain the flexibility of your joints and the well-being of your bonesas well as smooth skin.

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