Hummingbird: characteristics, habitat, meaning, dreams and curiosities

Hummingbird: summary of its most important aspects

  • They are unique birds that can fly in various directions and are very small, measuring 5 to 20 centimeters in length. There are approximately 330 species of hummingbirds, all of which are native to America.

  • They are characterized by having sharp, long beaks and a very long, forked and tubular tongue which allows them to suck nectar from flowers or catch insects. Their legs are short and weak and are generally used only for perching.

  • They have adapted their beak of various shapes and sizes to suit different types of flowers. They develop a large amount of energy due to their high metabolism and need to consume a large amount of nectar.

  • Despite their small size, hummingbirds They can regulate their body temperature in cold weatherand they have a mechanism by which they can reduce their body temperature to conserve energy.

  • Are nectarivores par excellenceand although they are true masters at sucking nectar from hanging flowers, they also eat small insects and spiders that they find on the flowers.

  • The hummingbirds play a crucial role in plant pollination in tropical forests and are the main pollinators in high and cold areas. Pollinators attach to their feathers and are transported to other flowers.

  • Have been beneficial in the production of hybrid flowers in gardens. Additionally, a symbiotic relationship has been observed between hummingbirds and certain mites that live on flowers.

  • They have a series of social behaviors, from being hermits to having a complex social organization, depending on the species. They are known for being territorialdefending their territory from intruders regardless of sex or species.

  • Their reproductive habits They vary depending on the species and where they live. We lay two eggs per breeding period, which are relatively large compared to their size. The babies are born without feathers and with their eyes closed, but are ready to fly at one month of age.

  • Despite their unique adaptations and impressive flight abilities, hummingbirds are prey to a variety of predators, including owls, snakes, and nest-raiding mammals.

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The hummingbird or hummingbird is one of the most attractive animals by nature.

What is a hummingbird

He hummingbird is a bird belonging to the family Trochilidae. They are known for their small size, bright colors, and unique ability to fly in any direction, even backwards.

Characteristics of hummingbirds

Hummingbirds have the following characteristics:


The smallest recorded hummingbird measures just 5 cm, while the largest can reach 25 cm.

Colors and plumage

Hummingbirds have unique, vibrant and bright colored plumage that can rival nature’s most beautiful jewels. Hummingbirds seem to have their own light, dazzling all onlookers with their rainbow colors. There can be reds, blues and various other colors.

Speed ​​and Agility

Hummingbirds move their wings between 200 and 300 times per second. They push the limits of what a bird can do, using this incredible speed and skill to move in search of food and to create their nests.


The hummingbird feeds on the nectar of flowers and various insects, such as bees, form the basis of the hummingbird’s diet. The hummingbird’s long, thin beak makes it easy to extract nectar from the hearts of flowers. A curious fact is that, while hummingbirds feed, they also help pollinate flowers, which contributes significantly to the life cycle of plants.

It is also amazing to know that hummingbirds can feed up to ten times an hour due to their extremely fast metabolism.


Hummingbirds live from Chile and Argentina, through Alaska, to Ecuador, where the greatest diversity of hummingbirds is found. Of course, despite their diversity of habitats, hummingbirds prefer tropical areas and temperate climates.


In general, hummingbirds are solitary and territorial. They are peaceful, but if they feel that their territory or food source is threatened they can become aggressive, using their long, sharp beak as a weapon.


Females usually lay two white eggs, each about half a gram. Interestingly, the males do not participate in raising the young; The females take care of everything.

With the intention of attracting the attention of the female, the male He performs a dance to woo her. After being fertilized, the female builds a nest as small as an eraser. It is made up of moss, cotton, spider web…

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After laying two eggs, she incubates them for 14 to 19 days. After the babies are born, they are fed for 3 to 4 weeks. The female He usually goes to the nest more than 140 times a day to carry out this task.

What makes this bird’s flight special is that, unlike other bird species, its wings move back and forth. In contrast, 99% of birds move their wings in an up and down motion. The hummingbird moves its wings at about one hundred and eighty degrees at shoulder height. The wingtips trace a figure-eight pattern as the back-and-forth movements of the wings lift them up. By simply changing the angle of their wings, birds can maneuver and change the direction of their flight.

Life expectancy

The Life expectancy of the hummingbird It is 3 to 5 years, although it can be increased depending on the species in question. In captivity they usually have a short lifespan due to the high stress that confinement causes them.

NNine of the 343 identified species of hummingbirds are found inn Danger of extinction due to the action of human beings, as indicated by the

night activity

At night the hummingbirds They increase their diet to prepare for their night’s sleep. They sleep soundly like a bear that goes into hibernation during the winter, but they do it every night.


The hummingbird or hummingbird is one of the most attractive animals by nature.

Curiosities of the hummingbird

The most characteristic of these birds is their colorful and beautiful plumagein addition to its particular way of flying. Hummingbirds, also known as hummingbirds, They are a group of apodiform birds that have more than 300 species, which makes them one of the largest families of birds. In addition, they have many curiosities that you probably didn’t know about:

  • 1. It is the smallest bird in the world
  • 2. It is the only bird that can fly backwards
  • 3. They cannot walk because their legs are very weak.
  • 4. Your heart pumps blood at 1200 beats per minute
  • 5. They have a forked, W-shaped tongue, very similar to that of snakes.
  • 6. Their long tongue helps them feed very quickly, so much so that it allows them to feed on an average of 1000 flowers in a single day.
  • 7. When they sleep they enter a state of torpor or hibernation.
  • 8. They can flap their wings between 50 and 80 times per second.
  • 9. They can remain suspended in the air at a fixed point at a speed of 0, that is, they can literally float!
  • 10. They can become very aggressive, wanting to defend their territory or wanting to mate.
  • Red-headed Hummingbird
  • Ruby-throated Hummingbird
  • Broad-billed Hummingbird
  • Black-bearded Hummingbird
  • Allen Buzzer
  • Canelo Buzzer
  • Violet Head Hummingbird
  • Cinnamon Tailed Hummingbird
  • Wide Tail Buzzer
  • Beryl Hummingbird
  • Blue-bellied Violet-Eared Hummingbird
  • Cinnamon Hummingbird
  • Violet-crowned Hummingbird
  • Goldbelly Emerald
  • Magnificent Hummingbird
  • Blue-hooded Hummingbird
  • White Eared Hummingbird
  • Cinnamon-bellied Hummingbird
  • Striped Throat Buzzer
  • Brilliant Greencrown
  • Little Hummingbird
  • Gorgineblack Handle
  • Hummingbird Swallow
  • Blue-crowned Sapphire
  • Purple Fandanguero
  • Bronzed Sapphire
  • Blue-throated Hummingbird
  • Violet-crowned Hummingbird
  • Black-throated Hummingbird
  • Habana-tailed Hummingbird
  • Emerald Scissor
  • Lucifer Hummingbird
  • Blue-crowned Hummingbird
  • Brownhead Diamond
  • Tyrian metallurgy
  • Purple-throated Hummingbird
  • Giant Hummingbird
  • Greater Long-tailed Hummingbird
  • Andean Amazilia
  • Blue-tailed Hummingbird
  • Mulsant Hummingbird
  • Snowshoe Hummingbird
  • Mexican Fandanguero
  • Brown Hummingbird
  • Violet-tailed Comet
  • Western Woodpecker Hummingbird
  • Ruby Hummingbird
  • Amazilia Costena
  • Inca Collared
  • Copper Hummingbird

How to attract hummingbirds to your garden

  • Combine 1 part white sugar with 4 parts water. Bring to a slow boil for 2 minutes, and mix well (do not let the water evaporate).
  • Cool before pouring into the feeder (do not allow the mixture to be placed in the drinker while it is still hot).
  • The excess can be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Never use honey or artificial sweeteners.
  • We do not recommend using red dyes.
  • Clean the feeder regularly with hot water to prevent fermentation and mold – every 3 days in hot weather, every 7 days in cold days
  • Hummingbirds will reject “old” nectar.

VIDEO – 13 plants to attract hummingbirds to the Garden

13 plants to attract HUMMINGBIRDS to the Garden | Diaz Garden

This hummingbird looks for nectar in the middle of a storm | National Geographic Spain

More information about the hummingbird

Hummingbird meanings