How your emotional state affects sleep –

Everyday life is full of diverse activities, tensions and bittersweet sensations. To recover from all this physical and emotional hustle and bustle we need to rest. Sleep is our great ally to get it. But to fulfill its function in all its fullness it must be restorative.

Lack of sleep or constant restless sleep can have negative consequences for the person’s physical and emotional state, which can be especially serious. However, the relationship is bidirectional: mood and emotional well-being also influence the quality of our sleep.

Negative emotions can cause insomnia which, if it becomes chronic, can trigger different physical and psychological problems.

The influence of our emotions on the quality of sleep

Emotions are often the cause of lack of sleep or poor rest. Let’s see below what are the main emotional factors that harm our rest.


In moderate terms he is normal. When it is too pronounced it generates a overproduction of adrenaline and cortisol. If it continues over time and becomes chronic, a permanent state of alert is produced that leads to death as a direct consequence.

Thoughts crowd the brain and make it difficult to fall asleep.


The release of certain neurotransmitters (chemical substances responsible for transmitting nerve impulses at the synapses between neurons) can be the cause of an increase in energy or variations in alertness levels that, in turn, can affect sleep. For this reason, it is recommended to maintain a healthy state of mind that predominates most of the time.

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Disturbing emotions

They are related to the previous point, since to maintain a good state of mind it is necessary to know. Thinking positively and having confidence in your ability to solve problems is the best antidote to lack of sleep.

It’s not always easy, so having therapeutic help can solve your sleep problems.

Some symptoms that your emotional state is affecting your sleep

Ruminations around negative thoughts

This activity as night approaches causes growing discomfort that ends up overflowing. If these thoughts dominate you before going to sleep, they will generate and have a negative impact on your sleep. It can happen to everyone at some point, and even go through a bad patch that prevents you from falling asleep normally. The problem is when this situation occurs continuously.

Episodes of wakefulness during the night

Your emotional state not only affects the number of hours of sleep, but also its quality can be seriously affected. Due to a negative mood it may happen that you wake up constantly and have a fragmented dream which is not restorative. In the long run, this can be very harmful.


Negative thoughts and a bad emotional state can cause nightmares and bad dreams that ruin your rest and deprive you of sleep.
