How to promote psycho-emotional development in childhood –

Facilitate the psycho-emotional development in childhood is one of the great challenges that parents and educators face in their different contexts. It could be said that it is a task of society as a whole that is not taken into account too much.

Emotions are the child’s first means of communication. Therefore, it is vitally important that they learn to handle them. The educational style of parents has an enormous influence on the psycho-emotional development of their sons and daughters.

How different educational styles influence psycho-emotional training

  • democratic style: the creation of an environment that sets limits, but encourages autonomy, dialogue and communication, which uses reasoning and negotiation, usually produces people with good self-esteem, social skills and a lower incidence of psychological disorders.
  • Authoritarian style: a style that values, above all, obedience and uses punishment as the most frequent educational measure, does not encourage personal autonomy. Children can achieve high academic performance, but usually have few social skills and even self-esteem and emotional problems.
  • Permissive style: in this case the limits are diffuse and there are no restrictions, but rather overprotection and low expectations of maturity, so personal autonomy is not developed either. The self-esteem of these people is usually good, as are their social relationships, but behavioral problems and lower academic performance are observed.
  • Negligent style: They are parents who have not even been present when the children needed them and have not been able to solve their emotional needs in the slightest. This is fertile ground for psychological problems of various kinds: low school performance, low social integration, psychopathologies, addictions…
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Obviously, pure styles rarely occur, but most of the time the styles are mixed to a greater or lesser extent, which adds greater complexity to the emotional development of people.

10 measures to promote the psycho-emotional development of children

Unconditional acceptance of your child

To develop their own identity, your child needs you to show them love and full acceptance. This will benefit your interpersonal relationships in the future.

Climate of affection

Since babies, all people need physical and emotional contact, it is essential for their physical and mental development. An affectionate, emotionally warm environment for the child and among family members will positively influence their future relationships. He is essential for their emotional development.

emotional communication through words

Verbal communication is necessary for emotional connection and promotes emotional development.

The importance of listening

You must ensure that your child feels heard at all times. Let him understand that his needs and her feelings matter. It will help her self-esteem and her emotional balance.

emotional recognition

It is essential to help children recognize their own emotions and those of others. And, furthermore, it is convenient to encourage the exchange of emotions. In this way, self-knowledge and empathy are promoted.

A calm atmosphere at home

The healthy environment within the home, without tension, where there is mutual respect, which allows you to discover the world without fear, will transmit emotional security.

Promote your autonomy

Encourage him to do things on his own, but don’t skimp on your help when necessary.

Shared quality time

Be available for your children. Spending time together and doing activities together will strengthen your emotional bond.

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Keeping promises

The child needs to receive trust to be able to establish relationships based on that trust in the future. Healthy relationships are built on mutual trust.

Play and play

Play helps emotional development. Symbolic play is a good tool for one’s own emotional expression and understanding that of others. In addition, accumulated emotional tension is released through play.
