How to plant pineapple step by step at home

Pineapples are one of the most peculiar fruits in the world, with an eccentric flavor that many like. It is also special since it contains an element that we will only find in it and that is responsible for that characteristic itching on the tongue; bromelain It is possible to harvest this fruit at home and here is a small guide on how to plant pineapple step by step at home.

What properties does pineapple have and what is it for?

Also known as pineapple, which derives from the Tupi language, it means “delicious fruit.” Its scientific name is Ananas Comosus, it is a tropical fruit of the bromeliaceae species. Originally from South America, it is extremely valuable for gastronomy that uses its sweet-acid flavor to give an exquisite touch to dishes.

Among the properties of pineapple we find that it is especially rich in vitamin C. In a lower percentage it also contains vitamin A, the complete B complex and folic acid. As for minerals, it is rich in iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, calcium, potassium and iodine.

Steps to plant pineapple at home

Growing pineapple at home is relatively simple if you live in a tropical or subtropical area, since ananas comosus is a plant that grows in warm climates. In addition, it is a plant and interior that does not require great care. The first thing you should do is buy a pineapple and then follow these:

  • With a knife you have to cut the top of the fruit, that is, you have to cut the crown of the pineapple being careful not to damage it. Once this part is ready, you have to clean the base and remove the dry leaves.

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  • In a glass with , place the top part of the pineapple that we have prepared previously, taking into account that the leaves must remain outside and the base of the pineapple, inside the water. Place it in a place where it is exposed to sunlight, it will need it.

  • You have to change the water if it turns a dark color or add more if the level drops.

  • About a month later, its roots will have grown and it is time to pot the pineapple.

  • Once the pineapple has grown its roots, you must prepare a suitable substrate with 4 parts peat and 1 part humus, since it likes soils with medium humidity. It must be placed in a pot of at least 25 cm in diameter to give it enough space to grow.

    It is time to plant the pineapple and after this, the bush in the center of the plant will grow little by little until it becomes an even larger bush. The new fruit will appear on the stem in the center, and it also usually produces shoots on the sides that can be transplanted.

    After 15 to 24 months, we will be able to harvest the pineapple. We will know that the fruit will be ready to harvest when the color of the base of the pineapple changes from green to yellow. After this, the plant dies but its offspring remain, emerging in the process.

    Finally, after growing the pineapple, we have a fruit ready to eat and taste its exquisite characteristic flavor.