How to make tangerine jam, a very autumnal recipe

We show you the step by step of this super easy and delicious recipe to accompany your family breakfasts and snacks.

What do we need?

1 kilo of ripe mandarins

900 grams of brown sugar

1 liter of water at room temperature

Juice of one lemon

Step by Step

First wash and peel the tangerines very well and then separate the segments. (The peels and wedges will have to go through different processes.)

Place a pot with water, wait for it to boil and place the tangerines. Cook for five minutes, remove from heat, strain the boiled water. Perform this step at least 3 times to clean the fruit well. This process is to reduce the bitterness of the fruit. That’s why you have to throw away the water where you cooked the tangerines.

Place the tangerine segments in the blender until obtain a homogeneous cream.

It is best to blend the tangerine because the segments may not completely break down during the cooking process. However, it all depends on what you like best. That is, if you like jam with pieces of fruit, it is better not to blend it.

Place the tangerine and lemon juice in a pot and stir slowly. Finally, Add the sugar.

Heat the pot over medium heat and stir constantly with a wooden spoon to prevent the contents from sticking. Wait approximately 30 minutesbefore removing the whole tangerine jam from the heat.

Let rest homemade tangerine jam for 15 minutes at room temperature. Then, place the contents inside glass containers and wait for it to cool completely before storing it in the refrigerator.

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If you want to keep the jam for a long time, you have to sterilize the jars. Then, close them tightly and boil them in water, placing them upside down for 20 minutes. In this way they close the vacuum.

To enjoy!