How to make a forest terrarium, step by step

Terrariums have become very famous in recent years, and it is not difficult to see why. For people who live in an apartment, especially, having green spaces contained in glass jars is a way to have a garden. A terrarium, if you take care of it, will always be green. The most important thing is that the jar is tightly closed so that it evaporates and then “rains” back to the plants. By following these you can build your own mini forest to have at home.


-Kitchen jars


-Small plants (optional)

-Horticultural charcoal

-Pot soil


Step 1

Moss is the only thing you need to have a beautiful landscape, and it can even germinate very aesthetic herbs. But you can plant other species as well, like an orchid, for example, or green plants with small leaves.

Step 2

Cover the bottom of the jar with horticultural charcoal and then pour in a layer of potting soil no more than an inch thick. Add plants if you want, and then cover the soil with moss. Make sure the leaves, petals and stems do not touch the glass. Spray twice with water and put the lid on the jar.

Step 3

Place the terrarium in a place with diffused light. If a lot of condensation forms, give the terrarium a little less light or remove the lid for two hours.

More in :

How to make a terrarium-shaped table?

A simple guide to making a terrarium

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