How to KEEP your PARTNER IN LOVE – 13 Tips

The pillars of every construction are supported at its base. Therefore, the beginning of every relationship is its foundation in love. This is very important, since many times this is where we have to make adjustments in couples therapy so that it is sustained.

A firmer and more solid foundation allows the relationship to be strengthened through accessory techniques and strategies that can keep the couple in love and fall in love again and again. No technique to make someone fall in love will work if we have not initially generated a bond.

In this Psychology-Online article, we will talk about how to keep your partner in love. We will see what we need initially to build a permanent relationship and what we can do to make that relationship grow and strengthen every day.

How to keep your partner interested

Permanent love implies a construction that is achieved by accepting the other from their otherness, by allow him to be who he is and in discovering ourselves together and thus meshing the parts of both. The values, beliefs, history and ways of being of each one must complement each other to generate something new and unique to both of them.

The key components for the success of a relationship, once we already have a strong bond with each other, are passion, intimacy and commitment. Below, we give you some tips to keep your partner in love.

Accept the person as they are

To keep your partner in love it is important accept it as it is without trying to change it. Give him space so that he can really be who he is and you can get to know each other from sincerity and from what is real. To make someone fall in love with you, there is nothing better than being yourself. So, accept the other person as they are without judging them. In this article, we tell you.

Practice assertive communication

Don’t forget to keep a constant openness to communication, especially when you find yourself facing critical moments. Practice with respect and affection. Open communication channels so that you can commit to growing the bond by communicating achievements, common goals, needs, disagreements, etc. Discover more about .

Reinforce the positive aspects of the relationship

One of the tricks to keep your partner in love is to reinforce the positive aspects of the relationship and your partner. Tell him or her what you like about him or her. It is always good to give space to the good in the relationship. Things are not obvious to the other person. If we only give space to what we don’t like, the other person may think that we have a negative image of the relationship.

We must give space to the good and the bad, but always show that in our final count the good outweighs and that is what maintains the relationship.

Don’t forget the details

To keep the flame alive, it is essential to have details with your partner. To keep her in love, don’t forget the small gestures that show her how much you love her. Those that make a couple fall in love again and again. They give fresh air to the relationship and bring to the present those feelings that made you fall in love the first time.

The details can be words, written messages, gifts, gestures, sex, games, spicy moments, etc. Try different ways to continually conquer and seduce your partner. These types of actions make the couple feel gratification and want to stay in the relationship.

Break the routine

Dare to constantly get out of your routine and experience new things. Varying those things that you have become accustomed to doing renews your bond and refreshes it. Furthermore, it allows the couple to discover new ways to enjoy the relationship. In this article, you will find more information about .

Respect your commitment to your partner

One of the fundamental bases of any relationship is commitment. To keep your partner in love show him that this commitment is important to you and that you respect it. If you don’t keep that commitment, your partner will surely find it difficult to trust you. If that happens, in this article, you will see.

Share hobbies with your partner

It is important to have moments when we can enjoy quality time with our partner. To do this, you can create and maintain projects, rituals, share hobbies, etc. In short, looking for points in common with your partner, those things that unite you, will help you connect with your partner. may their desire to continue getting to know you grow. These meetings will also allow you to have a good time together with something that you are both interested in and passionate about.

Express how you feel

We all come with vices from our previous relationships and also with expectations about what we expect from the other and that our partner is unaware of. Bringing them out helps us establish clear foundations, get to know ourselves better, know what the other expects from you and express what you expect from the other person. So that, express your feelings It is important to keep your partner in love. In this article, we tell you more about .

Have moments for yourself

Learn to divide your little worlds and have a space for each one. In other words, it is necessary to have intimacy with your partner, but also moments to be with yourself. To keep your partner in love give him space and freedom to do things without you.

When we mix all our spaces, sooner or later this constitutes a problem because we quickly begin to become oversaturated with the other, to generate a strange dependency or a psychological distance due to a lack of intimate spaces in the relationship.

Be honest at all times

Many couples lie or omit things to avoid conflict. They do not communicate what they need, what they lack, which makes them distrust and makes the couple believe that everything is fine when in reality it is not. This is a tremendous relationship saboteur, as it creates false and unreal relationships. It makes the couple increasingly distance themselves, psychologically speaking, or the couple has the illusion that they are growing and moving forward when the reality is not like that.

To avoid this situation, It is essential to keep your partner in love and that the relationship really moves forward. In this article, you will see.

Solve problems together

The couple is parity, being a pair, being a team, being friends who support each other and grow together. Many couples form a kind of hierarchy that creates a dependency that cools the relationship. Trust your partner, tell him your things and ask for help, it makes both of you feel important in the relationship. Solving problems together helps you get to know each other better and feel supported and accompanied.

Be their friend when they need it

To keep your partner in love, it is important to create a very close and trusting friendship with them. For a person to want to be with you, it is important have joint plans, give space to vulnerabilities, personal conflicts, joys, to triumphs, etc. In short, find the support you need in your partner. Accompanying each other in different transitions and stages of life will ensure that the relationship lasts.

Share intimate moments

How to keep your partner in love? It is very important to lose the fear of what others may believe, think or judge about our sexual tastes. Being honest is the best way to enjoy intimate moments with your partner to the fullest. Being intimate with your partner will help increase the connection between you. In this article, we give you ideas about .

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Ortega J. (2012). Couples Bound: An emotional possibility to grow. Educare electronic magazine. National University of Costa Rica.
  • Wallerstein, J, & Blakeslee, S. (1996). The good marriage: How and why love last. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: New York.
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