How to INCREASE Female LIBIDO with Effective Natural Remedies

Do you feel that lately your sexual desire has decreased significantly and you are not able to fully enjoy your intimate relationships? This is a very common problem that most women go through at some point in their lives, and although in most cases it is something specific that can occur due to daily worries, stress or problems with their partner, in Others, it may be related to some type of sexual dysfunction, psychological disorder or physical illness. Therefore, first of all, the exact cause of the problem must be identified in order to find the appropriate solution.

If you feel that in your case, the loss of sexual desire is something specific, you can resort to the advice in this Psychology-Online article, in which we show in detail how to increase female libido with natural remedies. Here you will find different solutions to feel like making love.

Causes of low female libido

The lack of sexual desire in women or low female libido can have its origin in different factors and conditions. This lack of sexual appetite can cause the affected woman to not feel ready to maintain intimate relationships and the involuntary contraction of the vaginal walls, which ends up making orgasms and full sexual satisfaction difficult. Below we list What are the most common causes of low female libido:

  • Problems in the relationship.
  • Being immersed in a sexual routine.
  • Stress or depression.
  • Hormonal alterations, such as the reduction of estrogen during menopause.
  • Suffering from some type of sexual dysfunction.
  • Take some medications.
  • Other emotional factors, such as bad sexual experiences, having a personal trauma, physical complexes, etc.

In the event that this decrease in libido is not a specific condition and may be associated with other disorders or pathologies, it is very important to consult a medical specialist to find out the origin of the problem and receive the appropriate treatment.

If your lack of sexual appetite is due to sexual monotony, you can read the advice we show in the article.

Natural remedies to increase female libido

How to increase libido in women? If you wish awaken your sexual desire and recover energy again in this area of ​​your life, there are some Natural medicine that can help you stimulate your senses, feel more vital and improve your mood. All of this can make you finally regain the predisposition to intimate relationships that you previously had. Here are three simple options you can try:

Ginger and cinnamon tea

Ginger has been considered since ancient times as a powerful natural aphrodisiac, and it improves blood circulation throughout the body, including that of the pelvic area. In addition, it stimulates the senses, improves the mood and can help to have a greater predisposition to intimate relationships. For its part, cinnamon also allows greater arousal by improving blood circulation in the genital area and helps prevent impotence problems. For all these reasons, ginger and cinnamon tea is considered one of the remedies to make women want to make love.

  • Ingredients: 50 g of ginger, 1 cinnamon stick and 1 and a half liters of mineral water
  • Preparation: Peel and cut the ginger root into thin slices. Then, heat the water in a pot and when it starts to boil, add the ginger and cinnamon. Let it cook for 15 minutes and, finally, strain and sweeten with a little honey or sugar.

Vanilla and cardamom

This is an excellent aphrodisiac infusion because vanilla stimulates the senses and cardamom reactivates sexual cells thanks to the zinc it contains.

  • Ingredients: 5 crushed cardamom seeds, 1 tablespoon of vanilla, 1 tablespoon of honey and 125 milliliters of water.
  • Preparation: In a saucepan, boil the water and when it has boiled, add the cardamom and vanilla. Let it cook for about 10 minutes. Then, strain the preparation and add a little honey.

Aphrodisiac massage oils

Essential oils with aphrodisiac properties used for massages or in are also an excellent alternative to obtain to increase female libido naturally. The ones that work best in this sense are cinnamon, jasmine, vanilla and rose.

Foods to increase female libido

One of the simplest things you can do to increase your sexual desire is to include in your regular diet some of the foods that increase libido thanks to the nutrients they possess and their aphrodisiac and revitalizing properties. Therefore, we explain how to increase libido in women through food. Take note of which are the best options and don’t hesitate to start eating them:

  • Avocado: Its vitamin B6 and potassium content promotes sexual drive and its folic acid content provides more energy.
  • Figs: They are rich in beta-carotene, which stimulates the production of sex hormones, and also regulates estrogen and provides energy to the body.
  • Strawberries: They act as a good stimulant of the nervous system and are excellent for increasing sexual desire, which is why they can be used to help increase libido in women.
  • Banana: They contribute to increasing libido and sexual appetite thanks to the fact that they contain bromelain, potassium and vitamin B.
  • Almonds: They are rich in essential fatty acids and vitamin E, which promote the production of sex hormones and help increase sexual desire. In addition, they give off a smell that is very exciting for women.
  • Pumpkin seeds: They are very rich in zinc and contain tyrosine. They help improve blood circulation and provide a greater feeling of well-being.
  • Asparagus: They contain folic acid, which is a vitamin that stimulates the production of histamine which is related to female libido.
  • Oysters: increases desire thanks to its high zinc and aspartic acid content. Its aphrodisiac properties are very powerful, so it can help increase libido in women.
  • Blue fish: These types of fish are the richest in omega-3 fatty acids, which improve the nervous system and mood, thus positively influencing levels of sexual desire and performance.

Aphrodisiac herbs for women

Another home remedy to feel like making love consists of using aphrodisiac herbs. In nature, we also find many medicinal herbs with powerful aphrodisiac properties that have the ability to increase our energy, improve sexual appetite, as well as physical and mental well-being. What to take to increase desire in women? some of the best aphrodisiac plants for women are:

  • Ginseng: It has positive effects on mood and improves physical resistance thanks to the antioxidants it contains.
  • Mint: It stimulates the nervous system and is excellent for improving blood flow, including that in the pelvic area.
  • Gingko biloba: improves blood circulation, reduces stress and provides vitality.
  • Muira Puama: It is a great natural stimulant that, in addition to increasing desire, helps in the treatment of sexual dysfunction and impotence.
  • Dongquai: It is another of the aphrodisiac herbs for women, since it influences the production of estrogen and helps maintain adequate levels of sexual desire and arousal in women. Estrogens decrease considerably during the menopause stage, so it is a good plant to increase the desire of menopausal women.

Pills to increase female libido

Are there pills to make a woman want to make love? Yes, there are pills to increase desire in women. In addition to all previous tips for combat lack of female desireAnother alternative is pills to increase your sexual appetite, which are made with herbal and natural ingredients. You can purchase them and take them as a food supplement following the instructions detailed in the product leaflet. They have a very interesting revitalizing, aphrodisiac and energizing effect.

Of course, it is important that before taking them, you find out what their composition is to make sure that they are really natural and consult with your doctor if their consumption is recommended for your health.

Other tips to increase sexual desire in women naturally

Others home remedies to feel like making love that you can put into practice are the following:

  • In many cases it is behind this lack of sexual desire, so it is recommended that you reduce it and learn to relax. Can do exercise physical daily, practicing disciplines such as yoga or pilates or learn meditation and relaxation techniques.
  • If you feel that some problem with your partner does not allow you to enjoy your sexuality as before, it is important that you convey this to your boy. how do you feel and you can find the solution to the problem together.
  • Try to be innovative on the sexual level, dare to try new things and discover new ways to give yourself pleasure with your partner. In this way, you will avoid monotony and the levels of sexual desire from decreasing over time.
  • It is important that you overcome your problems, if you have them. When we learn to accept our body As it is and we feel comfortable with ourselves, we manage to enjoy our sexuality much more.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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