How to help someone in a self-harm crisis situation?

When we talk about mental health, we begin to discover that there is a universe of behaviors, thoughts and emotions that we did not know about, but that are closely related to delicate problems that we must pay attention to, self-harm behaviors are an example of this.

This type of behavior is defined as intentional actions of causing physical harm to oneself as a strategy for coping and managing very difficult feelings, painful memories, or overwhelming situations and experiences. It is important to mention that, although in most cases people do not have the intention of ending their life when they get hurt, we should not neglect or belittle them, as they are clear signs that something is not right; besides, In some cases the intention may change or the injury may be more severe than expected, creating a greater risk.

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For this reason, it is very important for us to talk today about different ways in which we can support someone who is going through a situation like this.

  1. Try not to judge. While we know this can be shocking, it’s important to know that the person is going through a very difficult time and needs understanding, not judgment.
  2. Let the person know that you are there for them. In many cases, those who choose to do this feel alone and overwhelmed by emotional distress, so letting them know that there is someone they can count on is very helpful.
  3. Try to have empathy and understanding with what he is doing. Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes can be very useful; This does not mean justifying the action, but telling him that you understand that he must feel very uncomfortable.
  4. Let him or her make the decisions. It is very difficult for a process to be successful when it is done forcefully, so do not try to force the person to do something, rather try to help them find options.
  5. Offer help finding support. Hand in hand with the previous point, it is good to help them find support alternatives that can be useful to manage the discomfort.
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In addition to what we already mentioned, thatIt is essential to support a person who is exhibiting this type of behavior, it is very valuable to help them find ways to distract themselves to reduce the possibility of an injury. An effective way to achieve this is to look for actions that can be used as an alternative to the injury. lThe following are some options that may be useful as an alternative to injuries:

If the emotion is anger:

  • Take an ice cube and squeeze it very hard until it melts in your hand.
  • Eat something that has a strong flavor, like a lemon or something spicy
  • hit a pillow
  • Play loud music and dance with a lot of energy
  • Do some type of physical activity that helps you release everything that is inside you

If the emotion is sadness or meaninglessness:

  • Take a bath with hot water
  • Snuggle tightly wrapped in a blanket
  • Drink something hot, like tea or chocolate
  • Hug someone you love
  • Play with a pet
  • Watch a funny series or movie (dramas are not a good idea right now)
  • Read a good book (again, tragic stories are not the best option)

In closing, the most important thing to keep in mind is that, whether someone directly tells you that they are doing it or you have a suspicion that it may be happening, Try to remain calm when approaching this person.

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