How to heal wounds of the soul and heart – the most effective tricks

Julio Daniel


Very good to have a positive mind and improve your life

Mary and


I came to this article because, like all of you, I have gone through a very difficult moment in my relationship with my husband. Today, two years after that day, my wound, my pain continues, perhaps it hurts less but it still hurts, when we love we give ourselves body and soul. soul to other people, we blindly believe and think that they will never fail us, but that is not the case, in my opinion, I think that it depends a lot on the attitude we take to face such a situation, as there is good, there is also evil, which seeks the weaknesses, and it drags us into that. I just want to share with whoever reads this article that my husband was unfaithful to me and the other one got pregnant, now the girl is already a year old, and you will know how hard it is for me to deal with that, sometimes I feel bad, but I get up and continue, because I won’t stop May someone else come and take away everything that I have already built in my marriage, I have two children, I send you all a big hug, in one way or another we are going through the same thing…

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I feel the same as you… the same thing happened to me and I’m trying to deal with this. It’s not easier when there are children involved. It’s so hard for me to start over with my baby. And I try to see everything positive but there are always those days when you feel bad, and you cry and I wonder why all this.



I have read many portals, however I loved this one and I received the original message.



I carry many wounds in my soul, I was not a desired daughter, my parents always argued, they always preferred my sister, I grew up without support from anything, my father abandoned me at 14 years old and I stayed with my mother who always saw me as a burden in his life and never supported me in my studies or in anything that I had a goal for. I became a professional co. A lot of effort but I had a terrible relationship with the father of my son, the only good thing that has happened to me in my life is my son, I have had other relationships but I always dreamed. Unfaithful, and when I give everything in the relationship to my boyfriend, they give nothing, they have humiliated me and disrespected me on many occasions, they have changed me for other people. Sometimes I would like to understand what is wrong with me. Because all the people I love reject me, or else I’m destined to be alone in life.

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Dear Paola. The first thing you need is to heal your soul. Forgive and leave the past behind and move on.



Hello paola, !! After a year and a half of writing, I read what you share. If you give me permission with all due respect to give feedback on what you share? I precisely found this page because I am learning more about the wounds of childhood: Rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal, injustice. because I prepare a workshop about it. You say that you experienced abandonment by your father and rejection by your mother, wounds that need to be healed, because they are in your memory, not only mentally but also in your emotional body and cellular memory, so we emit that information and attract by resonance. the same. Therefore, it is necessary to heal, forgive and transmute to live from your authentic SELF, and coincide with healthy relationships…. I hope this information helps you a little, approach a therapist who can help you with this process if you do not already do so,, ,,, Blessings!

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Zoraya Perez


My problem is that I don’t forget what they’ve done to me, it’s always on my mind and I’m angry with that person and I don’t want to feel that anymore because they’re my mother.

Humberto Floresta


Because I can’t forget a person after so much damage they do to me, I have to say yes so they don’t get angry with me and you still are.

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Because you can’t deny the value it has and had in your life instead of denying that it happened and forcing yourself to violently push it away from yourself, walk away with self-love, gratitude and forgiveness. You can walk away and still talk on the phone or text if you both allow it. Thank you



How to heal the pain in the soul and be happy

lidietth jimenez


How should one advise or how to pray for a person who is deeply wounded in the soul?



How to have positive energies while grieving for loss

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Time heals everything, you will learn to live without that person, you will not forget it but you will learn to live without him/her.
what kind of loss?



5 days ago I discovered some conversations, not at all pleasant, on my husband’s cell phone. When I confronted him, he told me that they were not his, that according to him he lent the cell phone, but I know that it is not true, something tells me that he is lying to me since I keep questioning him because I want him to tell me that if it was him, I am devastated, I have never been jealous….. but after reading those conversations, I cannot find peace of mind, I feel deceived, betrayed, broken

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DON’T believe it, the same thing happened to me and on top of that it made me feel guilty. with the phrases that I don’t trust him, that I’m going crazy, that without trust it’s better that we leave him. I felt worse because on the one hand I couldn’t believe what I saw but on the other hand my mind and my heart couldn’t accept it and even more so he reproached me for leaving everything. After a while the truth came out that the moment you have the feeling that you feel cheated, it means that he is denying you something. In 2020 no one lends their mobile to anyone

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Hello, I am in a difficult situation, my life has been very complicated since I can remember, my mother dies when I am 3 years old, my father does not take charge, I am separated from my brother, at 4 years old I suffer abuse. I have a 6-year relationship with a person with addictions and violence. Things that I was only able to talk to a psychologist about three months ago. I was in a relationship a year and 8 months ago but it is very difficult for me to communicate and demonstrate, and my partner feels that I am very distant, that I am less demonstrative, that I do not value his details. Etc and now he asked me for a time because he feels bad that this doesn’t work that we forced something that doesn’t work. I feel very sad, anguished, guilty.

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Well, the truth is I’m not an expert on these topics, but something similar happened to me.
I’m 17 years old, my mother was a drug addict, and my dad hardly cared, I was just born and he gave me to a woman, I was with her for a while, then I spent another time with my mom because she wanted to fix things and take charge but He hurt me more and even wanted to sell me to a drug dealer to work with him, they abused me, my older sister made me feel bad, she called me fat, ugly, no one loves you, you don’t have a family, etc… she made me run a lot times because she said I was too fat, one day she took a rifle from me, when I wanted to tell my mom she didn’t have time, she had to go with her boyfriend and he was never there, later my aunt took care of me but since I had a lot of resentment inside me because of everything that had happened to me at such a young age, I did things that bothered her and she reacted with scolding and hitting, she made me feel bad with very strong words, she blamed me for what I was and towards my mother and all that. It was accumulating, now I am older and I realize things nothing was good, but I think you should talk to your partner about what happened to you and if he really loves you, he will give you time to get over it and will even help you, Since that is not easy, opening up again is a very difficult stage when things like that happen to you, talking to him will help you and also talking to an expert, if we stay with things inside of us it will be worse for us and for others. They don’t know what’s happening.



With therapy.






Good morning, I would like you to help me. I have been with my wife for more than 20 years, we have lived ups and downs, 4 daughters, 3 grandchildren, and then after taking different personal growth courses, psychotherapist, among others, she wants to separate herself from me, completely changing her way of being with me. and he treats me in a very harsh way, he says that love is over, but for a month and a half I have been feeling his changes and rejections so I began to see suspicious attitudes and in the end I discovered that there is another person who listened to his part The sentimental feeling he had towards me was broken and he fell in love with her, he doesn’t want to admit it because he doesn’t agree with me, he flatly denies it, however I have proof that this is the case. What can I do and what to do with my daughters who are 4 and 13 years old. I don’t want this whole situation to affect them and my wife doesn’t want us to give ourselves another chance to do with all this?

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I would like to listen to you and advise you. I already went through this but at this time it still hurts?



You can’t force things, let your partner make their own decisions.
It is very important that you talk, that you communicate what you both feel, let him see what your position is and how you feel. But don’t pressure her, let her act as she sees fit and give yourself your place, don’t beg. If the relationship between you continues to be excellent and if it doesn’t work then continue your life. Don’t despair and trust in your resistance.


08/13/2019 It is hard to accept loneliness when you have lived so many years with someone who is everything to you



Excellent article! Healing is a continuous process. It is consolidated with the passage of life itself. Healing is going from Fear to Love. Remembering that what you see is your replica and when you heal it no longer hurts you.

Julie Dela Hoz


I found the article of great informative value, I am on a path that I must retrace, and in it I must first heal my emotional wounds, which are what will make me free in the present, because my past taught me what it should teach me.
Thanks for everything! Blessings.

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I just want support to feel a little better, I recently ended a romantic relationship and that person was already dating another man.
Thank you

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Hello Alejandro, I read your comment and I identified because many years ago I went through something like this and it is not easy to overcome quickly, but I do tell you that time heals everything.



Cheer up, Alejandro….God has better plans for you.



MEDITATE AND do everything you need =)



I have been left alone over the years. My friends at school mistreated me, I changed groups and after a few years I moved away and they moved away. I betrayed a friend once. I asked for his forgiveness, I didn’t forgive myself, I didn’t forgive myself… and so time went by… 20 years now with friends that don’t last… and for the great ones…