How to differentiate sadness from depression –

Although they share some traits, often terms such as sadness and depression They are misunderstood and used inappropriately. “Being depressed” is confused with “being sad” or vice versa.

Sadness is a state of mind that is usually temporary, while depression is a diagnostic category in Psychology and Psychiatry that includes sadness as a symptom and has specific characteristics and parameters.

Throughout this article we are going to develop the Main differences between these two concepts.

Psychological disorder versus temporary mental state

Depression is a type of psychopathology that is characterized by the following symptoms, among others:

  • Sadness
  • Apathy
  • Distress
  • Hopelessness

It is a type of chronic disorder that presents with those symptoms that cause the subject discomfort and restlessness. Faced with sadness, which is considered a transient mental statea diagnosis of depression requires at least six months of prolonged symptoms.

Sadness alone is not indicative of any mental disorder. This psychological reaction to hard or difficult circumstances is totally normal in human beings. For example, due to the illness or death of a loved one, having lost a job, fighting with a friend, etc. Hormonal changes can also cause it.

All people experience sadness throughout their lives. However, only some develop depression disorders.

Brain activation and serotonin levels

People diagnosed with depression have a activation level in certain areas of the brain well below people who do not suffer from it. That is, the depressed brain presents a different appearance from the healthy brain in neuroimaging tests.

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On the other hand, depressed people have lower levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter related to the control of emotions and mood, something that is not found in sad people.


People with depression are affected by avolition. They feel that there is nothing worthwhile, they stay no initiative and they are greatly impaired in their ability to cope with their daily activities.

People with sadness may also experience avolition. The difference is that depressed people show this apathy for long periods that can last for months.

Identification of the causative event

It is quite common for people with depression to not be able to identify any specific event that has plunged them into that state. However, most people who experience sadness usually identify it to a greater or lesser extent.

Sadness can be a prelude to depression

In certain cases, a prolonged state of sadness can gradually deteriorate the quality of life and turn into a case of depression.

Need for therapy

Depression needs therapy; sadness usually doesn’t need it. It can even be considered a useful emotion, in the sense that it provides us with information to more appropriately resolve future situations. For its part, depression does not leave a single loophole. It constitutes a barrier to the development of normal life.

Normally, the emotional pain associated with sadness passes with the help of loved ones and does not require specialized support. However, Depression significantly affects a person’s quality of life. and should be treated by a psychology professional to help mitigate its symptoms.
