How to dehydrate fruits at home in a simple way

A very healthy snack option for those who enjoy fruit and sweets is dehydrated fruit, which in addition to being a healthy snack is quick and easy to make. It is an incredible option for children, since these fruits contain sugar but in non-harmful quantities like the refined sugar that we usually consume. Learn how to dehydrate seasonal fruit and thus ensure that what we are consuming is really healthy and free of added sugars.

Benefits of consuming dehydrated fruit

How to dehydrate fruit at home

You will only need two materials: fruit and a dehydrated fruit, which you can replace with a normal oven. Follow the following:

Dehydrate fruit in the sun

If you don’t have an oven or a fruit dehydrator, or you just like to be environmentally friendly, you can dehydrate your fruits in the sun, as long as you live somewhere where the temperature exceeds 40°C. The steps will be the same but instead of putting them in the oven you will do the following:

Remember that this method is slower and must be done in fairly dry weather. After between 2 to 5 days you will have your fruits ready to consume.

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