How to clean the house with rice water to attract money and abundance

If you want to attract the positive energy in the economic field in an easy and fast way, pay attention to these tips to be able to take advantage of the benefits of rice water at homesince not only will your house look spectacular, but You could soon have job opportunities or unexpected money on your hands.

What does rice mean spiritually?

He rice It is an ingredient that has been present in cultures for thousands of years, however, some civilizations gave it a very special meaning, since it is believed that This seed is ideal for attracting money. According to experts, in the The East is considered the rice as a symbol of abundance and prosperity. Likewise, also rice means fertility, which until now is presented at weddings, because Throwing rice at the bride and groom symbolizes good wishes for their family.


How to clean the house with rice water to attract money and abundance

What are the benefits of cleaning the house with rice water?

Rice has multiple benefits for the home and not only is it an excellent moisture accumulator, but it also has energetic properties that help stimulate the economic environment. Clean the house with rice water is ideal to open the paths of abundance and attract money.

How to clean your home with rice?

If you want to attract abundance and fortune to your home, you just have to make a rice water and cinnamon mixturesince these two ingredients help activate the economic sphere, according to the

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  • ½ kilo of rice
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 cinnamon stick


  • In a recipient place the rice and water; Stir and let sit for at least three hours. When the water turns white, You have to strain the rice and separate the rice water. Take the water to a pot and add a cinnamon stick.
  • Boil for 10 minutes and remove from heat.
  • Clean your house with rice water. It is important that you do from the inside out to eliminate any bad energy. Finally, clean your door frames with this water while you visualize how the money comes to you without problem.
  • The best thing about this ritual with rice to attract money is that you can use it both in your home and in your business and you will notice how the economy turns in your favor in a short time.