How to avoid PREMATURE EJACULATION naturally

The premature ejaculation It is a sexual problem that occurs when ejaculation and orgasm occur before initiating penetration or just after penetrating in an uncontrolled manner and against the man’s will.

It is a very common condition among the male gender, in fact 1 in 3 sexually active men have it. It produces low self-esteem, anxiety, nervousness, loss of confidence and sexual dissatisfaction in both members of the couple. The main causes of this problem are psychological in nature, although on some occasions it can also be a consequence of a physical disorder. It is essential to identify the origin and to determine which is the most appropriate treatment.

Can premature ejaculation be cured naturally? For the treatment of this condition, when its cause is fundamentally psychological, a series of exercises and techniques are recommended to help gain ejaculatory control and delay climax, without the need to consume drugs.

In this Psychology-Online article, we show in detail how to avoid premature ejaculation naturallyalso revealing what are the best home remedies for it.

Premature ejaculation causes

A man is considered to have premature ejaculation when ejaculation cannot be controlled and happens before penetration or just after it. This condition can be classified into:

  • Primary premature ejaculation: It begins in adolescence and lasts over time, so the affected person cannot maintain a sexual relationship in which they can control ejaculation.
  • Secondary premature ejaculation: It appears at any time and occurs in men who until now could control ejaculation and have normal sexual relations.

There are several causes of premature ejaculation and, among them, are those listed below.

Psychological causes

Physical causes

  • Genetic disorder that alters sensitivity in the male reproductive organ.
  • Urinary infections.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Neurological disorders.
  • Thyroid or adrenal gland problems.

Other temporary causes

  • Maintain infrequent sexual relations.
  • Alcohol consumption and/or.
  • Taking some medications.
  • Accidents or trauma.

How to avoid premature ejaculation naturally

Premature ejaculation has a solution. There is one that consists of a combination of different techniques.

It is a very effective way to avoid premature ejaculation naturally, but it is always recommended that the process has been designed by a sexologist specializing in this dysfunction. The objective is to know the sensations prior to orgasm, to develop control over the level of arousal and not cross the ejaculatory point of no return.

The method consists of different exercises whose first phases must be carried out alone until sufficient control and confidence is generated to do them as a couple. The basis of success is in executing the exercises correctly and in perseverance in practice.

Here we also show you some tips and tricks that can be applied at the time of sexual intercourse to delay ejaculation. Furthermore, there are also some home remedies for premature ejaculation that can help in a complementary way. Below, we explain everything to you.

Exercises to avoid premature ejaculation

Are you wondering how to control premature ejaculation naturally? To avoid premature ejaculation naturally, one of the most effective alternatives is to perform a series of exercises that help delay the moment of climax and provide a more satisfactory and fulfilling sexual relationship. To obtain results, it is very important to be regular in its implementation.

Masturbation exercise

This exercise, also called Stop and Start, is one of the best ways to delay ejaculation. It consists of learning to identify the pleasure that is felt before reaching climax and being able to control the sensitivity of the penis. With this, you will know much better when ejaculation is going to occur and you will be able to stop the relationship in advance. The steps to follow to do so are:

  1. Start masturbating, but staying focused only on the pleasure and not on the fact of wanting to control ejaculation.
  2. Before reaching climax, stop masturbation and squeeze the area under the glans firmly with your thumb and index finger.
  3. Relax for a few seconds.
  4. When the urge to ejaculate is reduced, resume masturbation.

These exercises are structured in different phases, so that the development of ejaculatory control and the gain of confidence occur gradually.

breathing exercise

When the moment of climax approaches, the heart rate increases and breathing accelerates, so learning to control breathing is also a good way to slow down the pulse and control ejaculation. You just have to learn to breathe deeply and relaxed, exhaling through your nose for 3 seconds and inhaling through your mouth for 3 long seconds.

Kegel exercises

Exercising the pubococcygeus or pelvic muscles using the Kegel technique helps to strengthen that area and control ejaculation more easily.

  1. To identify these muscles, it is best to try to stop the flow of urine during urination. He pubococcygeus muscle It is the only one that allows you to do this.
  2. Once identified, the Kegel exercise should be performed by contracting these muscles for a few seconds and then relaxing again.
  3. You can do about 20 repetitions several times a day.

The most effective thing is to combine this technique with the different stages of the masturbation exercises explained above.

Exercise during penetration

The perineum is the area between the testicles and the anus and pressing it firmly when you feel the need to ejaculate can greatly help you last longer in bed and postpone the moment of climax.

This exercise can be done with the help of your partner during the sexual act. Thus, when the man feels that he is going to ejaculate, the woman must forcefully press the perineum from your partner to avoid ejaculation. It is important to press the area and not massage it, since then the opposite effect could occur and increase the man’s pleasurable sensations.

Home remedies for premature ejaculation

What to take to last longer in bed? Psychological therapy and performing exercises like the above is the most effective way to solve the problem of premature ejaculation. Still, there are also a series of natural products They can help reduce the anxiety and nervousness that this condition causes, and improve blood circulation in the penis. Next, we show which are the most effective home remedies for premature ejaculation:

  • Gingko biloba: Originally from China, this plant relaxes the muscles in the pelvic area and increases blood flow to the penis, which helps achieve and maintain an erection for longer. It also reduces stress and promotes relaxation of the body.
  • Ginger: helps prolong the duration of erections by improving blood circulation throughout the intimate area and, in addition, contributes to the release of endorphins, which are key to feeling more predisposed to sex and being more animated.
  • Clove: has an anesthetic action that helps balance the nervous system and also improves circulation.
  • Chamomile: offers a calming and relaxing effect that is very useful when premature ejaculation is a consequence of stress, anxiety or nervousness.
  • Include in the diet food such as: oatmeal, garlic, banana, watermelon, passion fruit, blueberries, avocado, papaya, celery, kiwi, etc., it is also excellent to prevent premature ejaculation naturally and improve sexual performance.

Other tricks to avoid premature ejaculation

Among the home remedies for premature ejaculation, there are the following tricks to control premature ejaculation naturally:

  • Change sexual position during relationships. Among the best sexual positions to delay ejaculation are the spoon, the jellyfish or the fusion.
  • Use a condom with delay action during intercourse.
  • Masturbate before starting penetration.
  • Intersperse penetration with oral or manual stimulation during sexual relations.
  • Apply a retardant cream that helps delay the moment of orgasm.

Seek specialized help

If premature ejaculation is a condition that occurs occasionally, it is not a warning sign. Now, when it leads to a repetitive and prolonged condition over time, it is very important to put yourself in the hands of a therapist who helps identify the exact cause of the problem and, based on this, recommends treatment and psychological therapy to follow in each case. With a suitable sex education and a good program behavioral therapyit is possible to overcome this situation and once again enjoy full and satisfactory sexuality.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Murillo, G. (2010). premature ejaculation. Med Int Mex, 26(3), 250-258.
  • Puentes Rodríguez, Y., & Blanco, EDD (2016). Diagnosis and treatment of premature ejaculation. Sexology and Society Magazine, 22(2), 149-165.
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