How the NERVOUS SYSTEM works – With Photos, Graphics and Video



I found it very useful for my work that I have to do, thanks for the information

javier lopez


I found it too useful and necessary for my biology homework on the nervous system.

Gina Rodriguez


Can persecution mania be cured? Do you misinterpret other people’s words, believing you hear death threats? Can a peaceful person feel cornered, suffering from persecution mania, and have even excessively aggressive reactions? Can the disease begin? due to bullying? Can you lead a normal life with treatment? The treatment that the psychiatrist gives to my son leaves him drugged and almost “nullified”, confusing him to the point that he even asks me: Are you mommy? And when I tell you then…who am I? He tells me, you’re mommy, it was a joke. But I don’t consider it a joke. The psychiatrist (with whom I don’t feel satisfied, since since admission my son’s fears have increased considerably, not to mention, exaggeratedly and irrationally. He treats him with 2 pills in the morning of Clopixol 25 mg and 1 of generic valium, 1l at noon, clopixol and a valium, and at night 2 clopixol and 1 valium. So my son is like drugged and asleep and his feelings are like human being except the fears that increased are pretty much nullified (joy, empathy, desire to talk, to walk, to read, to even play cell phone and DS that he loved, even going so far as to try to have an aggressive attempt with his brother, because when talking to him he confused his words, and believed that he was threatening him, since the mania at home manifested itself against his brother. Although he started in the last term at school, due to bullying, since I noticed some excessive accusations about events that he had really suffered but that he now anticipated before they had happened. Let’s say that he was always on guard and that sometimes he interpreted a movement with the hand of another classmate as an action that he had already suffered before even though it had not happened now. produced. The actions were real and very traumatic for him, leading to the fear of their repetition, sometimes confusing a movement of others with the action itself and blocking it without reacting out of shame even if it really happened, something that made him suffer. But apparently he behaved normally, he laughed, talked and did things he liked, walking, playing, joking, etc. He was always a kid who, despite having character, was good-natured, friendly, empathetic and attentive. Now after the crisis of persecution mania and especially the admission to the hospital and the treatment…He is not the same and his Fears increased too much and irrationally. My question is… Is it properly treated? I have considered changing psychiatrists, but not knowing the other SS psychiatrists. I am afraid of choosing a worse one, but this situation does not seem normal to me, that it will get worse instead of better. Can it be cured? Can it have a normal life if possible with treatment? I have to say that he also has Asperger’s syndrome. He was not a good student, but in daily life, he learned things, like peeling potatoes, vacuuming, doing crafts, learning to cook, etc. practical things.

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